Six Corners Discussion Thread

Potion doesn't really work because if your Mewtwo gets KO'ed, it was most likely an OHKO by another Mewtwo. If they're attacking your Mewtwo with Tornadus, they're doing something very wrong.

Ninja'ed- but you get the point. Both Skyarrow and Potion (?) are wastes of space, and usually Switch will be much better than Skyarrow Bridge. I'm still holding my breath for the long awaited Warp Point reprint, though...
@Celebi: forgot Terra :/

@Both: if they're loading energy on a benched Mewtwo, you can just Catcher KO it. That's why I don't go aggro Mewtwo.
They're not loading. If you start attacking Mewtwo, they drop their own with a DCE and either Celebi a third energy or drop a PlusPower for the OHKO. They won't bother chipping away at it with Tornadus. Two prizes in one turn > two prizes in two turns.
I think 4 Eviolites is one too many. I would take one out for a lost remover. With all the meta decks running special energies. Dropping that remover at the right time can win you the game in most cases. Especially since you run 4 junk arms.
To start off let me say this deck is very good IMO. There are only a few things I don't like about the list.

First, as Sleeping Snorlax said, this deck doesn't need 4 Eviolites. 4 is just way over the top for a card that just gives your Pokemon Surviveability. This room should probably be used for more draw support and consistancy cards. After testing this deck with 3 and 4 Eviolites, I realized that I kept drawing them and needing to attach them to pokemon that already weren't in OHKO range of most of my opponent's pokemon. I suggest cutting this card down to only 2 because you just draw it too much even if the deck is all basics.

Second, super scoop up is a really risky card. This card is just the most annoying thing to have in a deck because missing the flip can kill you. It can also help you a lot, but the risk isn't worth taking. This card also begs you to junk arm for it which can lose you the game if you fail it. Since this card is mainly to pick up Shaymin, I;d suggest cutting it for another Shaymin and a Seeker since those cards always work and the second shaymin helps it from being prized.

Third, there are only 9 draw supporter cards in this deck. It also doesn't help that 3 of them are junipers. If you have to Juniper away one or more of your other draw supporters, you will be in a pretty big dead draw for most of the game. I personally wouldn't run Cheren in this deck. Drawing 3 cards is helpful, but it never really gets you a much better hand. Pokegears help, but they could be cut for 2 more PONTs. I would also suggest cutting the 4 Cheren for a juniper and 3 N. These will help you get a total hand refresh and almost gaurentee a junk arm or catcher.

Lastly, I would cut Pokemon Collector for some dual balls. These cards are great and can get you Pokemon anytime. It is good because it still gives you that option of a turn one draw supporter and lets you get a few basics after a shuffle supporter (depending on what you need based on your new hand). Dual Ball is also good so you can pull out Shaymin anytime during the game. This really helps and gets you out of chosing between collector and PONT.

So, in conclusion:
-2 Eviolite
-2 SSU
-2 Pokegear
-4 Cheren
-4 Pokemon Collector
+2 DCE
+1 Shaymin
+1 Seeker
+1 Juniper
+3 N
+4 Dual Ball

Actually, energy-wise, I'd say the list is just fine. Maybe another DCE.

Fighting and Special Metal Energy are not needed because if you manage your energy properly and save energies with Shaymin, you'll be fine. 12-14 is a good number, no more.

Also, I edited in a scan for Prism Energy.
Ummm, really n00b question, but I haven't played in months, and haven't been online either, so what exactly is Six Corners? I've played against and beat it before, but don't really understand the whole concept... Wouldn't it be really inconsistent? I dunno...
It shouldn't work when you look at it, but it does for some reason. You just attack with whatever will give you the type advantage (aka hit them for weakness) to nab ohkos or at least do heavy damage. It's just a reactive deck; your opponent plays pokemon A, send out your counter to pokemon A, then send up B, send up your counter to B. As long as your list can provide an answer to the heavy meta decks it should do decently well. Prism and Rainbow energy are great for this deck since everything is a basic and they make powering up your pokemon easy.
Think of the deck like somewhat of a toolbox. It really isn't that difficult to power up the Pokémon of your choice, because every attacker can be searched out with a Pokémon Collector, and with maxed out Rainbow Energy and Prism Energy, you have 8 cards in the deck that can provide energy for any attacker in your deck. You can change attacks at almost anytime with the high amount of Shaymin and Switch a standard 6 corners list run. Electrode Prime can help you get a lot of energy down on the field quickly. It is an uncommon, but rather effective tech in my opinion.
Vulpix Yolk said:
Electrode Prime can help you get a lot of energy down on the field quickly. It is an uncommon, but rather effective tech in my opinion.

No, it's an Ultra-Rare, JK

i don't see the need for Virizion or Kyurem in this deck anymore. The EXs have too high HP to be affected by their attacks of 30, 40, 80. I'd personally use more EXs of your own and things that can get easier OHKOs on bigger things.
iisnumber12 said:
No, it's an Ultra-Rare, JK

i don't see the need for Virizion or Kyurem in this deck anymore. The EXs have too high HP to be affected by their attacks of 30, 40, 80. I'd personally use more EXs of your own and things that can get easier OHKOs on bigger things.

I can agree more or less on Virizion, but Kyurem can still take prizes off of benched Celebi Prime, Eelektrik, and other stuff like that.
The Aura Is With Me 8 said:
I can agree more or less on Virizion, but Kyurem can still take prizes off of benched Celebi Prime, Eelektrik, and other stuff like that.

But, Kyurem won't last long enough to make the prizes it took worth it. It takes 5 turns to KO Celebi Prime and with EXs being a target, decks will have ways to do 130-150.
iisnumber12 said:
But, Kyurem won't last long enough to make the prizes it took worth it. It takes 5 turns to KO Celebi Prime

How so? Celebi has 60 HP.
So? You can move two over from a Virizion, and it will only take one turn to get it out, while still be productive in the mean time.
Glaceon said:
So? You can move two over from a Virizion, and it will only take one turn to get it out, while still be productive in the mean time.

But, it takes decks like MTC that run Celebi less time to set up and they can OHKO Kyurem and take those 3 attachments out of the game
iisnumber12 said:
But, it takes decks like MTC that run Celebi less time to set up and they can OHKO Kyurem and take those 3 attachments out of the game

If that were so then the deck would never have gotten very far in the first place. You use Kyurem when you have 3-5 energy on the field, Shaymin 3 onto Kyurem and start using Glaciate. You can KO their Tornadus with Outrage + PP if they attack you with that, and if they happen to get another one up and KO Kyurem you can just play another one and finish off the Celebis. If anything it gets better in the new format as there are more small hp bench sitters.

Virizion is also definitely still a keeper. It also gets only better, as with Sky Arrow it can now retreat for free. It's also nice as it can survive against early game pressure because of it's high hp, and like Kyurem it takes advantage of low hp basics.