RSE/FRLG So the Pokemon Ruby and Sapphire 10th Anniversary is coming soon

RE: Pokemon Ruby and Sapphire 10th Anniversary Coming Soon

Alright, I have recently been playing through the original Ruby, and have some ideas:

- Cave of Origin is super-awesome, especially with the crystals on the basement floor, so you would expect it to have awesome wild encounters. But no, it has Zubat instead. There should be more Pokemon in there, preferably Ghost types since Cave of Origin is apparently the place where spirits are reborn.

- Give Scorched Slab a use. Seriously. It's just sitting there to give you a free Sunny Day TM. I don't care if a special opening is there post-E4 where you can find Heatran, or make wild Larvesta available there, or make an underground tunnel that leads to Fiery Path, JUST GIVE THE DARN THING SOME USE!

- The above also applies to Altering Cave.

- Since this is a remake, I don't think too many Pokemon that weren't already available will be able to be found. Maybe just the evolutions to Pokemon that were already available and the Pokemon from the post-E4 Emerald Safari Zone. However, if my theory as to this is not true, I would like to see the following Pokemon:
Golett/Golurk (perhaps at Mirage Tower and Sky Pillar?)
Regigigas (for some reason, I think this should be at Altering Cave)
Scyther/Scizor (at the Safari Zone, just late enough that it's not overpowered)
Skorupi/Drapion (Route 111/Charcoal Desert)
Venonat/Venomoth (Petalburg Woods)
Togepi/Togetic/Togekiss (Egg obtained from daycare, like the Odd Egg in Crystal)
RE: Pokemon Ruby and Sapphire 10th Anniversary Coming Soon

Bolt the Cat said:
The minigame ideas are really neat, but the Points Card doesn't really solve the gambling problem, because you still have to pay to put points on. The only way I can see it working is if they're free to play. And I liked the Voltorb Flip, it was really fun and had an essence of strategy to it unlike the slots.

Then if things are free to play, there would be no arcade. The only way I can see an arcade running is if you have to pay to play (which would not fall under gamble so it would be all right for kids. Plus kids in Japan do that all the time anyway, so it would be apectable), or somewhere in story line you become good friends with the owner and he lets you play all the games you want for free.

Bolt the Cat said:
The problem with that is it affects which areas you can visit during certain points of the storyline. You can't really explore Mirage Tower or Sky Pillar without the Mach Bike, nor can you explore Jagged Pass without the Acro Bike (without using the Cable Car, but I intend for you to be able to get to Lavaridge without it and explore Mt. Chimney later when you're dealing with Team Magma, so that would mean you would need it to get to Mt. Chimney in the storyline). It wouldn't really be fair if you could pick one and get the other later if you need it to get to a certain area in the storyline.

First of all, I remember playing Pokémon Ruby and you didn't need to have or use the bikes to beat the main story. The bike just lets you go to cool secret base hide outs, an item, or battle like 2 trainers at the most. I've also relooked at the layouts of everywhere and still think you do not need the bikes to be given in a specfic order to beat the main story. The upgrades don't need to have that big of a gap between each other. In fact the best place to do the second upgrade (if you're going to stick with the bike shop owner giving you the upgrades) would be at Lilycove City, since it has the Department Store (ya' know. Owner is there buying new parts to work on bike. Owner see you and askes you to test out this new design and then BOOM! Second upgrade).
By the way your saying things, it seems like you want to do a lot of map changes, which I'm not too sure about. I'm okay with adding things, but I think ripping things out will upset some of the other plays. I know a few of my friends hate it when Pokémon does that.
Why would you want to take out the Cable Car? It works just fine for getting up and down there. And since you do want to take it out, what would you do to replace it?
RE: Pokemon Ruby and Sapphire 10th Anniversary Coming Soon

I think Ruby and Sapphire are the worst main series games. That's just my opinion though, wouldn't mind a remake.

That's why I think it actually needs a remake. I loved Hoenn but RSE was definitely not the best game and needs a second chance.

I think the game should focus on reworking places as opposed to adding new ones. Like above, places like Altering Cave or Scorched Slab are dead space that can be used.
RE: Pokemon Ruby and Sapphire 10th Anniversary Coming Soon

I have to agree with the above, and disagree with the quote.
No. Just no.
RE: Pokemon Ruby and Sapphire 10th Anniversary Coming Soon

I'm just going to leave this here:

RE: Pokemon Ruby and Sapphire 10th Anniversary Coming Soon

sure I could see a retelling of RS with fleshed out plot and all, but IMO itd have to be so much new content to warrant an E too.

But right now is not a good time for this. Perhaps in a few years, after gamefreak is comfortable with the 3DS and the whole thing settles down a bit.
RE: Pokemon Ruby and Sapphire 10th Anniversary Coming Soon

Yeah, at this point we are better off waiting for it on the 3DS, being the next game after gen 6's orginal title.

If the game is just a redo, it should be a reworking of Emerald but with Groudon or Kyogre staying in the cave of origin.
RE: Pokemon Ruby and Sapphire 10th Anniversary Coming Soon

Dialkia198 said:
- Give Scorched Slab a use. Seriously. It's just sitting there to give you a free Sunny Day TM. I don't care if a special opening is there post-E4 where you can find Heatran, or make wild Larvesta available there, or make an underground tunnel that leads to Fiery Path, JUST GIVE THE DARN THING SOME USE!

I was thinking put Regigigas there for some odd reason (although that probably wouldn't be a good place for it), but yeah, definitely. IDK about connecting it to Fiery Path, though.

Dialkia198 said:
- Since this is a remake, I don't think too many Pokemon that weren't already available will be able to be found.

That's the thing, though, most people are thinking sequels over remakes. With a sequel, you'd get a lot of the same content with minimal changes (much like the typical third version games), but with a sequel, the game could be completely reinspired, with a new story (and storyline path), new Pokemon, and changes to old areas.

Dialkia198 said:

Why do you want Zubat and Woobat in the same game? It's a bit redundant (and yes I know they did it in BW2, but recall how little you saw of Zubat compared to Woobat in those games)

Dialkia198 said:
Regigigas (for some reason, I think this should be at Altering Cave)

I was originally thinking Scorched Slab, but now I think they should just put it in Sealed Chamber or something.

Dialkia198 said:
Togepi/Togetic/Togekiss (Egg obtained from daycare, like the Odd Egg in Crystal)

That'd be really neat, actually. I remember the Odd Egg, that was a neat feature. I wish they could bring it back.

PikabooPikachu said:
Then if things are free to play, there would be no arcade. The only way I can see an arcade running is if you have to pay to play (which would not fall under gamble so it would be all right for kids. Plus kids in Japan do that all the time anyway, so it would be apectable), or somewhere in story line you become good friends with the owner and he lets you play all the games you want for free.

Well then no arcade for you, I guess.

PikabooPikachu said:
First of all, I remember playing Pokémon Ruby and you didn't need to have or use the bikes to beat the main story. The bike just lets you go to cool secret base hide outs, an item, or battle like 2 trainers at the most. I've also relooked at the layouts of everywhere and still think you do not need the bikes to be given in a specfic order to beat the main story.

Of course not, but that's because I'm not talking about the originals, I'm talking about my theoretical storyline path for sequels. And in those, you would need to use the bikes at least once, you'd need the Mach Bike to ascend Sky Pillar and the Acro Bike to climb up Jagged Pass to reach Mt. Chimney.

PikabooPikachu said:
By the way your saying things, it seems like you want to do a lot of map changes, which I'm not too sure about. I'm okay with adding things, but I think ripping things out will upset some of the other plays. I know a few of my friends hate it when Pokémon does that.
Why would you want to take out the Cable Car? It works just fine for getting up and down there. And since you do want to take it out, what would you do to replace it?

I'm not "ripping things out", I'm just changing the path you take through the region to make things more interesting. Most of what I've suggested isn't too drastic with that in mind (and realistic, too. You wouldn't expect Mr. Briney to ferry you down to Dewford again, he's either busy with the S.S. Tidal or retired. You also wouldn't expect Rusturf Tunnel to still be blocked anymore, the path would be clear. As for Altering Cave being accessible near the beginning, that's so you have something to use against Norman, who would now be the first gym leader). You'd still have access to everything eventually, of course. As for the Cable Car, here's how I'd imagine that section:

When you get to Rt. 112, you'd find that the Cable Car is blocked for whatever reason (maybe it's Team Magma, maybe it broke down, IDK). You'd still get to ride it later, after you visit Mt. Chimney the first time, but for the time being, the only way up to Mt. Chimney is through Jagged Pass. As for getting to Lavaridge Town, they could just add some stairs up the cliffs that take you back to Rt. 112. You'd then go up to Mt. Chimney much later in the game, after you get the Acro Bike you go up Jagged Pass to confront Team Magma in Magma Hideout and Mt. Chimney.

frostwind said:
Yeah, at this point we are better off waiting for it on the 3DS, being the next game after gen 6's orginal title.

That's what I'm counting on, they'll probably release the Gen 6 games next since the DS is being phased out, then something RS related soon after.
RE: Pokemon Ruby and Sapphire 10th Anniversary Coming Soon

Here's something else they could do, redesign Mt. Pyre so it's more like Mt. Coronet or Mt. Silver. That is to say, instead of having two separate paths (a mausoleum that leads to nowhere and an outside mountain path which is the one you need to follow to reach Team Magma/Aqua), it would be one main path through the area (with some offshoots leading to items and stuff, of course) that alternates between mausoleum sections and outdoor sections. It'd be much more straightforward and interesting, I remember the first time I visited Mt. Pyre the two paths thing threw me off, I wanted to explore the entire area, but ended up taking the mountain path and missed a huge chunk of the area.
RE: Pokemon Ruby and Sapphire 10th Anniversary Coming Soon

Japan's getting Masuda's Deoxys. Starting December 15, 2012.