spiderman 3 or anything spiderman related

RE: spiderman 3

Vegeta ss4 said:
Necro_Thy said:
I'll give it 8.7/10. I really liked it. And yes,... Venom isn't dead(nor Edie Brock). Same goes for Green Goblin.


Agrees but Green Goblin is dead but...Goblin Jr.....Hob Goblin....Green Goblin 2...w/e!!! is NOT! dead.  Also This movie was not as good as I had hope.  300,000 for this movie and it looked the way it did....could of been better IMO.

Did anyone notice the clue to Carnage....if you didn't then you will have to watch the movie again because there is a 5 second clue to him!!!!
Huh, I missed that. Back to the theatres!

And no Young Goblin or w/e *coughHarrycough* is not dead. He shall rise!

Arcanine out.
RE: spiderman 3

What clue? Please post some link (YouTube<-- hope it doesn't look like advertising) of that ;)

BTW: I was wondering for some time now. What does IMO actually mean?
RE: spiderman 3

K-Flygon said:
well i dont think they will make a spiderman 4...
u serious????
ummmm why not?
oh yeah I forgot...Spiderman 3 has made no money what so ever...it hasn't even broke the record of opening weekend....since it HASN'T done that then you are right...there will not be a 4th movie...
Sarcasm at its BEST!!!!
Also, as a side not. Tobey Mcguire is on contract for 5 of the films...unless they Pay Tobey milions of dollars there will be atleast 2 more Spidey Flicks.

And here is something more. This has nothing to do with the movie but I saw on Fox News that Tobey McGuire has come out of the closet to reveal that he is gay...I have no problems with gay people but seriously...Spiderman is now gay...aww man!!!!
RE: spiderman 3

I heard that Tobey is thinking about signing for three more, more movies(7, 8, 9). And Tobey isn't gay. He has a wife and a kid. For goodness sake...

RE: spiderman 3

Necro_Thy said:
I heard that Tobey is thinking about signing for three more, more movies(7, 8, 9). And Tobey isn't gay. He has a wife and a kid. For goodness sake...


you know how many people live a lie...Dude I am looking for the link on it right now but I saw it on Fox News....
he is also not thinking about doing it...HE IS DOING IT!!!!!
RE: spiderman 3

He's not thinking about doing another three movies, he is doing another three movies.

That's what he meant.

Arcanine out.
RE: spiderman 3

Did u know that Tobey Maguire has a contract for 5 Spidey flicks?

Spider-Man: Green Goblin
Spider Man 2: Doc-Ock
Spider Man 3: Sandman, Venom
Spider Man 4: the Lizard
Spider Man 5: Carnage
RE: spiderman 3

And here is something more. This has nothing to do with the movie but I saw on Fox News that Tobey McGuire has come out of the closet to reveal that he is gay...I have no problems with gay people but seriously...Spiderman is now gay...aww man!!!!
Lol, imagine spiderman in pink :F j/k
Is it venom? No, it's perfume!
OMG, it's the pink goblin!

ok, I'm going to stop now... :F
I have no problem with people with other preferences whatsoever, I just felt like saying something stupid :)

About spiderman3: I like how they added in 3 enemies at once, but it could have been done better. But a good movie nevertheless.
RE: spiderman 3

Rickraptor77 said:
Did u know that Tobey Maguire has a contract for 5 Spidey flicks?

Spider-Man: Green Goblin
Spider Man 2: Doc-Ock
Spider Man 3: Sandman, Venom
Spider Man 4: the Lizard
Spider Man 5: Carnage
there going to be 6 movie and i dont think any are lizard cause he is in the spiderman 3 game and carnage might be in 4 not 5
RE: spiderman 3

Blastoise king said:
Rickraptor77 said:
Did u know that Tobey Maguire has a contract for 5 Spidey flicks?

Spider-Man: Green Goblin
Spider Man 2: Doc-Ock
Spider Man 3: Sandman, Venom
Spider Man 4: the Lizard
Spider Man 5: Carnage
there going to be 6 movie and i dont think any are lizard cause he is in the spiderman 3 game and carnage might be in 4 not 5

Carnage will be in the 4th movie...along with Lizard....and one other villian....as I ponder...could it be...Mysterio...that would be tight....

And who would help Spiderman...why non other than Harry Potter...lol(thats the twist to the 7th Harry Potter book...LOL)
But seriously Harry Osbourne will be back...I just got that feeling...and I also have a feeling that Sandman will help Spidey as well!!!!
would that be TIGHT OR WHAT?
talk about a VERY expensive movie!!!!!
RE: spiderman 3

I thought it was great I rate it 9/10. It's the number 1 best movie in my movie theathers in my state because it made way more money then all the other movies.
RE: spiderman 3

Vegeta ss4 said:
Blastoise king said:
Rickraptor77 said:
Did u know that Tobey Maguire has a contract for 5 Spidey flicks?

Spider-Man: Green Goblin
Spider Man 2: Doc-Ock
Spider Man 3: Sandman, Venom
Spider Man 4: the Lizard
Spider Man 5: Carnage
there going to be 6 movie and i dont think any are lizard cause he is in the spiderman 3 game and carnage might be in 4 not 5

Carnage will be in the 4th movie...along with Lizard....and one other villian....as I ponder...could it be...Mysterio...that would be tight....

And who would help Spiderman...why non other than Harry Potter...lol(thats the twist to the 7th Harry Potter book...LOL)
But seriously Harry Osbourne will be back...I just got that feeling...and I also have a feeling that Sandman will help Spidey as well!!!!
would that be TIGHT OR WHAT?
talk about a VERY expensive movie!!!!!

no not lizard or mysterio they have been in game and there oragin have been shown there no point in putting them in movie and if harry could come back why not uncle ben cause like eveyone said people could come back from the dead

because this is more spiderman then spiderman 3 i will rename the topic
RE: spiderman 3 and anything else spiderman related

Well, I just saw it. And why would anyone lie about being gay? T. R. Knight, from Grey's Anatomy, is an international star. Is there any reason you would lie about it?

Lizard is Dr. Conners after something wierd happens. It's possible. But this is a movie, not a comic, and all deaths are VERY final. Sandman has the greatest chance of returning, but he isn't a "bad guy" anymore. None of the others. The Venom's Sybmiote has possibilities of hanging around, to create Carnage, but apart from that... no, not really.

I would rate it 8/10. Far too much randomness showing the symboite's effects.