spiderman 3 or anything spiderman related

RE: spiderman 3 and anything else spiderman related

No, he turns to Lizard. A new character would turn to Carnage, he hasn't appeared yet. I'm thinking that Lizard would redeem himself some way. Like a sacrifice like Harry or just being able to regain control of himself. Don't highlight if you don't want to see who dies.
RE: spiderman 3 and anything else spiderman related

Dr.Connor turns into Lizard, while trying to regain his arm. Could anyone post the clues about Carnage.
Look at this: http://movies.yahoo.com/mv/news/va/20070513/117908679200.html

RE: spiderman 3 and anything else spiderman related

lizard is not in the next movie he is in spiderman 3 game
they show how he became lizard in the game so they cant make a movie with him
RE: spiderman 3 and anything else spiderman related

hes red
RE: spiderman 3 and anything else spiderman related

YES BUT he is sucky..i like most black one..
RE: spiderman 3 and anything else spiderman related

i preffer the black venom.. he looked cooler
RE: spiderman 3 and anything else spiderman related

of course yes..but he is a bad guy...
RE: spiderman 3

ger said:
I think venon is not dead

Actually u'd be right, the symbiote is infact still alive 7 is regenaraiting, if u watch it it and stick around after the credits u'll see a small cutscene where the symbiote starts to regnarate very slowly...

see the thing is that Toby Maguire, the guy who plays Peter/Spidey, is in contract for 5 spidey flicks:

Spider-Man: Green Goblin
Spider-Man 2: Doc-Ock
Spider Man 3: Sandman,Venom
Spider-Man 4: the Lizard
Spider-Man 5: Carnage

in Spidey 5 Venom's symbiote fully regenerates and finds a new host, who together become Carnage....
RE: spiderman 3 and anything else spiderman related

venom is not dead..in the comics venom went to space..and in the film he just died..i think comics' story is mre true..
RE: spiderman 3 and anything else spiderman related

wow i think i am the only person here who read the comic(im sad)
venom in the comic is now good eddie is dead and Scorpion
is wearing the suit now

this is the third venom he is not in space

lizard can not be in the next spiderman film i dont know why people think he would be

carnage is not sucky he is so cool he could turn he's arm to any weapon (axe sword mace) and has more killer instict

villain not in movie game or movie that could be in it
Jack O'Lantern
John Jameson/Man-Wolf

see these are more likly to happen then lizard
cause they were not in the games
RE: spiderman 3 and anything else spiderman related

^ i hate this sh** its too monsterous...i dont like it ...

K~Flygon out
RE: spiderman 3 and anything else spiderman related

If you dont have anything good to say K-Flygon, then shut up and go away.
RE: spiderman 3 and anything else spiderman related

BTW:There won't be a spiderman 4 if will have then itmight as well be a different story
RE: spiderman 3 and anything else spiderman related

Samtheman said:
If you dont have anything good to say K-Flygon, then shut up and go away.

hey..i think u got some nerves..chill out.he is only saing the trth..i dont like venom either..but i like spiderman..ok?so what..are u going to insult me too??and blastoise king:i have 2 comics of spiderman too..
RE: spiderman 3 and anything else spiderman related

WillSSj just because you have spiderman comic does not mean you know everything there are more then one type of spiderman
and they dont alway go with one another

Samtheman thank you i would have posted that but you did first
WillSSj and K-Flygon stop saying you dont like somthing that is not the venom in the next movie it is the current venom in the comic
and i dont want any flaming because i dont want my topic close