SSB Brawl Discussion Thread

RE: The official Super Smash Bros Brawl thread.

it's all about strategy... even jiggly can be a threat if you know it's how to and not to use it
RE: The official Super Smash Bros Brawl thread.

poke'freak, don't you have anything positive to say? Geez...

The Ice Climbers aren't cheap. They are just as fair as any other character. Ice Climbers become severely hindered if you can separate them. Just because you keep on going if your partner dies doesn't make them cheap. Good luck getting back on the board if you're all by your lonesome... mashing forward B can only get you so far, not to mention you can't even grab the edge unless you've stopped swinging and started the descent, meaning if you're not high above the level (not to mention wide open to any attack your opponent feels like doing), there's no chance to get back on.

They are also fairly light and get knocked out pretty easily.

The fact that they can pick up 2 items at once is a moot point because no one plays competitively with items.

And consider this: How do you know that they will play exactly like they do in Melee? Sakurai has stated that everyone will be getting an upgrade this time around, so save your negative comments until you see Brawl Ice Climbers in action.


Could G&W make a return? If there was one obscure video game character worthy of being brought back, I'd choose Ice Climbers over Doc or G&W. Doc's too similar to Mario, and G&W is kinda gimmicky.

This opens up a whole slew of possibilities for obscure video game characters not present in Melee for possible inclusion in Brawl. I'm psyched. Knowing Ice Climbers are now confirmed to be in Brawl, that just makes my day (again).

I wonder what their Final Smash would be like? Would you need to have both characters in order to perform it? Hm...
RE: The official Super Smash Bros Brawl thread.

Now that they changed mario a bit they could put doc in because there no move that like fludd.I think they put that so that any of mario clone ie luigi could come back.
RE: The official Super Smash Bros Brawl thread.

NO GAME AND WATCH xD why can't they become assist tropyies.... and Capteain Falcon is bound to be back... his rival is already in the game... and the ice climbers PWN XD
RE: The official Super Smash Bros Brawl thread.

I still think g&w should be in it he has to many good point to get rid of and being an assiat trophie he would lose so much unless he does something random everytime.
RE: The official Super Smash Bros Brawl thread.

and they should make doc a thing like changing the color of mario's cloths, only they would be doc's clothes, and the same thing for wario
RE: The official Super Smash Bros Brawl thread.

ssb4ever said:
and they should make doc a thing like changing the color of mario's cloths, only they would be doc's clothes, and the same thing for wario

They could change his move up like take all the one that are the same a mario and replace them with new move can't think of anything.
RE: The official Super Smash Bros Brawl thread.

Pimpwalkin' Mateo Johnson said:
poke'freak, don't you have anything positive to say? Geez...

The Ice Climbers aren't cheap. They are just as fair as any other character. Ice Climbers become severely hindered if you can separate them. Just because you keep on going if your partner dies doesn't make them cheap. Good luck getting back on the board if you're all by your lonesome... mashing forward B can only get you so far, not to mention you can't even grab the edge unless you've stopped swinging and started the descent, meaning if you're not high above the level (not to mention wide open to any attack your opponent feels like doing), there's no chance to get back on.

They are also fairly light and get knocked out pretty easily.

The fact that they can pick up 2 items at once is a moot point because no one plays competitively with items.

And consider this: How do you know that they will play exactly like they do in Melee? Sakurai has stated that everyone will be getting an upgrade this time around, so save your negative comments until you see Brawl Ice Climbers in action.


Could G&W make a return? If there was one obscure video game character worthy of being brought back, I'd choose Ice Climbers over Doc or G&W. Doc's too similar to Mario, and G&W is kinda gimmicky.

This opens up a whole slew of possibilities for obscure video game characters not present in Melee for possible inclusion in Brawl. I'm psyched. Knowing Ice Climbers are now confirmed to be in Brawl, that just makes my day (again).

I wonder what their Final Smash would be like? Would you need to have both characters in order to perform it? Hm...

Dude was just my opinoin really everybody good with one charcter or another like. I'm good with Link (trust me you can't stop me with Link). And your proballey good with Ice climbers everbodys good with someone in smash bros so everbody happy :D:D
RE: The official Super Smash Bros Brawl thread.

I'm good with no one really I can't play that good I mostly play with mewtwo,samus,kirby and bowser and win a lot of the time but I'm not like all that in the game i'm more of a novice.
RE: The official Super Smash Bros Brawl thread.

You know when I played people that were like there great and that there all that I usally win which is sad because they use dk/link/and the other tier people which I trained to beat so no point in battleing with that the only thing I have a hard time with is pikachu and roy.
RE: The official Super Smash Bros Brawl thread.

i can clobor a level 9 ganon with falco.... he poses no threat really
RE: The official Super Smash Bros Brawl thread.

I train with level 9 or 10 don't remeber the last one and I could keep up with all 3 alway have the same amount as live that they do.
RE: The official Super Smash Bros Brawl thread.

Nooooooooo.....The Ice Climbers are back!

Bad things that come from this:

  • Well.....I don't really like them....
  • I guess I could get used to them.
  • I can't think of any bad things. :/

Good things that come from this

  • Well, I love their new, updated look (much more realistic).
  • Their attacks look awesome now.
RE: The official Super Smash Bros Brawl thread.

Togeshroob said:
Nooooooooo.....The Ice Climbers are back!

Bad things that come from this:

  • Well.....I don't really like them....
  • I guess I could get used to them.
  • I can't think of any bad things. :/

Good things that come from this

  • Well, I love their new, updated look (much more realistic).
  • Their attacks look awesome now.

YEAH A NESS FAN SWEET! (ness is my 4th or 3rd best)
RE: The official Super Smash Bros Brawl thread.

ness is ok... they have to make his pk thunder( b+^) move boost him farther... like in the original ssb