SSB Brawl Discussion Thread

RE: The official Super Smash Bros Brawl thread.

ow yes, i forgot to react on your moveset :d
oops :p
sry shroob

there are some moves that, in detailed description, look a bit like princess peache's moves...but ofcourse, they can be made to have different animation :d
overall, i liked the moveset :d:d
especially her FS :d:d

if jiggly is the only one with whom you can finish event 51, then you are no different from the tousand of other players..unless jiggly is your main character ofcourse...
personally, i have finished it with ganondorf (had to try a few times before i actually pulled it off) roy (very easy, same tactic as in "stadium"==> multi man melee"==>"cruel melee")
and ofcourse jiggly (easy as taking candy from a baby...)
i almost pulled it off with falcon, but got killed by ganon....grrr
did it with fox, also very easy, just hang from edge, let go, and use fire fox....over and over...

Heavenly Spoon :F said:
c-m = cute-mew = my previous nick = still my official abbreviation, thank you for confusing me like that.

Feint seems way too overpowered, because if you hit an opponent anyways, you can just keep on spamming him/her with that attack, it's just too good. Auto-hit attacks also require no ability whatsoever, just use, run away or use again, back to step 1.

ok, sry 'bout the confusion of abbreviations....
i have to adjust feint a bit: first off: naturally, it can be blocked by powershield, just as all attacks...second: after the move (regardless if it hits or not) lucario is stunned for 2 seconds..
this should make the move less interesting to use...

RE: The official Super Smash Bros Brawl thread.

~Magma king~ said:
I woulda thought the shroobs would get in as an assist trophy, not a character though... Squeek squad would be a nice assist trophy too. BTW, are character clones still in it? I'd hope not :/

I bet I just made shroob insane.

Yep, you did. :F

This is what I mean: Princess Shroob makes it as a character, whilst normal Shroobs make it as Assist Trophies.

Look like Peach's moves? Hmm... I tried to keep them from not looking like her's... In what ways do they look like Peach's? Which moves?
RE: The official Super Smash Bros Brawl thread.

the smash up and smash down are described similar like the moves of peach are in ssbm...
i mean in ssbm:
peache's smash up is also drill-like, but with 1 hand instead of 2, and she doesn't hit some1 next to her...this one is least similar to the described shroob-move...

smash down: she also spins around fast, knocking everybody back

the normal air A: peach also spreads out her arms and hits people around her, go try it, you'll see;)
she is not boosted into the air a bit though...

shroobs air up seems a bit similar to the crown slap of peach (side A in air)

and last: her grab move also consist of holding the foe with 1 hand while slapping him with the other...peach does the same thing, but i can't argue this's logical that this is you don't really have to take this in account too...

well, this is my impression, so it's personal, it could be i imagine things wrong, and that the shroonb and peach-moves totally aren't similar...

RE: The official Super Smash Bros Brawl thread.

Nice moveset for Lucario/Amy psycho_trainer.

I guess I'll comment on some updates this week form the site, since I have some excess time. I love the inclusion of the colorful costumes. I can't wait to play as Dark Link or Fireball Mario. They should include Bee Mario as an alternative costume, but it would be better if they just added Bee Mario as a new character. I can't wait to see Ice Climber's Final Smash take up the whole screen. That specific FS is epic!! I never heard of the new Assist Trophy announced today, but I did hear of the game he's in. It's great reading all of this feedback on characters that should be added, and diverse kinds of movesets. It's actually very entertaining. :p

dmaster out.
RE: The official Super Smash Bros Brawl thread.

lol, i bet it is entertaining :p
well, it keeps the mind sharp inventing stuff now and then :d:p

you shud try it:p it's harder then it looks to make a decent moveset :p

RE: The official Super Smash Bros Brawl thread.

Charged moves are back from Melee and Lucas Final smash looks pretty sweet. The question is which character will you choose?:)
RE: The official Super Smash Bros Brawl thread.

LOL, somebody was talking about lucas' final smash. I'll probably be using Meta-Knight, King Dedede, Pokemon trainer, and rarely pikachu and bowser.
RE: The official Super Smash Bros Brawl thread.

ofcourse the charge-moves return, it wouldn't be smash bros if they weren't there:p
lucas's FS seems sweet :d:d pulling meteors towards us :p
i wonder if it'll make holes in the stages if that's possible...

from the characters that are now introduced, i'll mainly be using fox, sonic, maybe bowser...i'll give wario a try for sure, and depending how he handles i'll use him more or less frequent....Pokémon trainer will be my main if ganon does not return :p he'll probably be second place though :p

RE: The official Super Smash Bros Brawl thread.

i main link on melee due to his awesome disruptiveness...but i really despise the gale boomerang for sucking enemies back in if you miss them(because the boomerang is his only trajectory aim-able i'll probably main pit sonic and link...might use metaknight every now and then..but pit sonic and link are my favorites as of now. (have to actually play the game before i can really decide)
RE: The official Super Smash Bros Brawl thread.

ives used pikachu for every single match on melee and the original- and i see no reason to change with the awesome new

meteor shower looks... devastating. but i assume it will be not that powerful or easy to dodge. lucas's move set is too good.
RE: The official Super Smash Bros Brawl thread.

4me4them said:
meteor shower looks... devastating. but i assume it will be not that powerful or easy to dodge. lucas's move set is too good.

Acutally, it looks extremely powerful and hard to dodge, especially on small stages. And, Lucas's moveset is actually not all that great. Well, it's good, just... He has several moves which are really no good competitively and stuff.


Yeah yeah, we all know, charge up the special attacks, yada yada.

I'm going to use Princess Shroob, since we all know she's going to be in. ;p

If she's not though, I'll use Lucas. >:]
RE: The official Super Smash Bros Brawl thread.

It didn't actually say how much damage it would cause; all they said is that a small stage gurantees more hits, so that's what I'll be playing Ness Lucas on.

I also didn't say anything about the Smart Bomb. I just wanted to say that it's pretty much a waste of an item, if it doesn't go off, so I have to remember to turn that one off when I do my battles. The effects are gargantuan if it explodes though, which is pretty cool.

I'm not really creative enough to make movesets, and I would just get mean criticism here if I did something like that.

dmaster out.
RE: The official Super Smash Bros Brawl thread.

lol when i play i usually turn all items off...but i think i will play with them a little while at least on brawl...have to fool around with all the new ones. :F
RE: The official Super Smash Bros Brawl thread.

Lucas' final smash looks awsome though if it on a big stage it seems pretty bad:(
RE: The official Super Smash Bros Brawl thread.

these days, i mostly play blast-battles :p
they are quite fun, and with a smart bomb, goeey bomb, cracker launcher, etc, this will be even more fun :d:d

but normally, i always play with items (versus humans) and without some items when going up against comps...comps tend to be idiotic when there is a hammer in play...or a proximity mine..i really hope they fixed that...

by the way, shroob, did anything i say about the moves from princess shroob make sense? or have i just totally misinterpret them?

RE: The official Super Smash Bros Brawl thread.

psycho_trainer said:
by the way, shroob, did anything i say about the moves from princess shroob make sense? or have i just totally misinterpret them?

Nah, they made sense. I never really played with Peach all that much, so I'd forgotten most of her moves, so....

But you have to admit, that grab attack pretty much has to be the same. :F
RE: The official Super Smash Bros Brawl thread.

indeed, the grabs can hardly be different, i also mentioned this in my post where i was naming the attacks that were similar...
lots of characters have a similar grab move, so that's not really a problem...i mean, grab is grab, doesn't matter how you do it:p

the other moves are more personal, so in my eyes, they mattered most...

by the way, shroob, how is it possible your hp is still 0? :p
not even mine was when i logged back in after a year or two :p i'm wondering how oyu did that:p

RE: The official Super Smash Bros Brawl thread.

psycho_trainer said:
by the way, shroob, how is it possible your hp is still 0? :p
not even mine was when i logged back in after a year or two :p i'm wondering how oyu did that:p

Well, as AntiKrozz would say,

"When you reach level 28, the mods give you a severe beating, thus, you lose HP."

^Lol, you lose HP, but the mods don't do it. It's just a glitch. You can earn it back very, very slowly, though. I mean, I hit 28 a long while back, and I still don't have any HP back. :/

EDIT: For those of you wanting to know what Princess Shroob looks like, here's a great picture:

(Click to enlarge)


  • Princess Shroob.jpg
    Princess Shroob.jpg
    13.5 KB · Views: 7
RE: The official Super Smash Bros Brawl thread.

lol i still think knuckles would be a great addition...knuckles is a brawler after all :F
RE: The official Super Smash Bros Brawl thread.



On a seperate note, I'm still holding my breathe for Lucario. They can make him a great projectile character. B + -> could be Vacuum Wave. Hold B could be Aura Sphere. Up B could be something like Hi Jump Kick. And Down B could be something like Endure or Hidden Power. :]