BW/BW2 Starter Evolutions confirmation.

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Aspiring Trainer
Confirmed by Sugimori himself!!!!

Sugimori Interview 1

Sugimori Interview 2

"Ken Sugimori, primary illustrator: I really struggled the most with the Water-type [starter] this time.
Yusuke Ohmura, illustrator: There was talk of, “Wouldn’t a sea otter be good for the Water starter?” But it was a really close decision in terms of what this sea otter would become once it evolves. In the end, we decided to have it evolve into something with a completely different appearance.
Sugimori: Of course, we want to make the starters into Pokémon that remain with the player throughout the game, so we hope to make them evolve into creatures that offer a surprise to the player. We always make an effort to throw in some twists and create third-stage evolutions that have an impact.
Ohmura: There was also talk this time about dividing the three starters into Japanese, Western, and Chinese styles of design. Tsutaaja was based on Western design, and Pokabu was rooted in a Chinese style, so I was told, “Let’s make Mijumaru into a more Japanese-style design.” Someone even asked, “Can’t you make Mijumaru into a samurai?” [laughs]
Everyone: [laughs]
Sugimori: I worried about it for a while, and I eventually went to go see the sea otters at the aquarium. I happened to catch the sea lion show while I was there, and I became aware of the sea lion’s power. “Well, let’s try blending a sea otter and a sea lion,” I thought. I came up with the idea of making the shell on Mijumaru’s stomach into a sword (katana) and using it to fight, and that’s how I completed Mijumaru and its evolution.”
Oooh ma godd!!! This cannot be real. If it is, find me in the pub drowning my sorrows.
Sugimori: I worried about it for a while, and I eventually went to go see the sea otters at the aquarium. I happened to catch the sea lion show while I was there, and I became aware of the sea lion’s power. “Well, let’s try blending a sea otter and a sea lion,” I thought. I came up with the idea of making the shell on Mijumaru’s stomach into a sword (katana) and using it to fight, and that’s how I completed Mijumaru and its evolution.”

No! It'll be a grass snake for me.

No! No! Nooo- (mod cuts in)

Oh dear.

please use less of the same letter in a row. thanks.~de
YESSSS!!!!!! Unlinke many other people, I LOVE Mijumaru's final evo (I used to hate it, but then i drew it, and now i LOVE it)
Yes they are real! (please dont hate me XD) In a way I am happy that they are real (only for Pokabu and its evos) but kinda dissapointed at the fact that they decided to completley change the origin for Mijumaru. (But I saw a fan art of it on Devianart and it was awesome)
Fine. I see your views. I want to see Sugi art. Then maybe...

I gee with Chiraami. Miji2 is a clone of Dialga.
Maybe this means that the one screenshot with the 'supposed' fight type pokemon is real too since it had Pokabu's last evo on it. And people don't start complaining yet about the evos (or continue complaining). We haven't even seen the evo's battle sprites yet or their KS artwork.

Edit:Got ninja'd while writing my post.
If this is Actually Real this is pretty cool Miju has been my favorite since the start and this just makes it even better
Well, looks like I'll be going with Tsutaaja now.
Sorry Pokabu & Mijumaru, your evolutions are just too hideous for me to even look at.
It doesn't make it better. It confirms what we already knew. Kinda.

I need a Tsutarja evo pic. Can anyone give me one?

I think that Miji looks like a Dialga and Poky looks like a Rhyperior. Sigh.
no the interview didnt say he had a katana it said its shell can be used as a katana (or a katana comes out)
Wow, this is weird. I find it amusing that I am unintentionally the opposite of everyone. I actually LOVE Mijumaru's final form even though I hate it's first and second forms. Tsutaja is great as expected, and Pokabu, well, it's a stupid flaming pig, it couldn't be good no matter what IMO. Though I will admit one thing, it's final form has a sort of Ganon vibe, from Zelda. That makes it semi-tolerable, maybe. Sorta like how Infernape was semi-tolerable due to being based off Songoku.

But um...I don't quite see how this info confirms their evolutions, how exactly is that picture of Tsujata's evo a "western" design? And how is a giant shell horn on it's back a "samurai sword"?
Of course it won't look like a Katana, but resemble it. It has a sharp end on it.

And define what you think western theme would be.
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