BW/BW2 Starter Evolutions confirmation.

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Mijumaru is my favorite above all i love the first form to the last 5/5
Tsutarja had my respect and of course was very popular but its last evo looks like a green milotic 3/5
Pokabu meh its first form wasnt my favorite and its evos are horrible it really just looks like they gave pokabu a growth hormone( or they look like a 5 year old made them) 2/5
Neither otters nor the sea lions have a huge horn growing out of their heads. And the last evolution does not have a katana…

The idea sounds nice. Sea lions and otters do have similar shapes, and a combination of the two could work. I hope it’s execution is better then what we saw from pokexperto.
Ugh. Curse my love-hate relationship with the starter evolutions.
I keep swapping back and fourth with loving/hating Mijumaru's evolutions.
Tsutaaja and its evolutions are fantastic.
I kinda love Pokabu's 1st stage evolution, but can't stand the 2nd stage evolution. It's just...too busy.

Is this interview even confirmed as real?
Curse my gullibility.
So can I have a pic of the Tsutaaja?

I wanna all of them, actually. Please. I want to inspect.
ill put them now or you can check pokebeach
EDIT: i attatched them


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Sugimori: I worried about it for a while, and I eventually went to go see the sea otters at the aquarium. I happened to catch the sea lion show while I was there, and I became aware of the sea lion’s power. “Well, let’s try blending a sea otter and a sea lion,” I thought. I came up with the idea of making the shell on Mijumaru’s stomach into a sword (katana) and using it to fight, and that’s how I completed Mijumaru and its evolution.
doesnt this prove that those are fake!
all this confirmes(if this is even a real interview, i dont see any reason to believe it is...)is that their final evos will be a bit of a supprise.
If Mijumaru's shell is removable how do we know the harpoon-like shell on it's final form's head isn't removable as well? If it was removable there's the sword the interview was talking about.
I for one am happy the Sea Lion is evolution is real. The shell on its head/neck is pretty cool. Question: even if the final evolution isn't bipedal could it still be water/fighting as stated in this article that it would use its horn similarly to a katana?

Pokabu's final evolution is pretty sweet itself. I thought it could be fire/ground, but now I am having second thoughts. Fire/dark?

Tsutaaja's final evolution is the only one I am truly disappointed with. I am just not pleased with its overall design. However to each his own.

Overall I would say the final evolutions were pretty darn creative though.
"A hot dog, and a stupid looking cowboy sucking a piece of straw." LMAO!

But yeah, since they are going with American themes in Isshu like a football player, I'd expect a "western" theme in this game to be something either American related, which would be horribly cheesy and ruin it, OR something Native American related like Wooguru, which would be awesome! But that pic of Tsujata has neither an American or Native American look to it. I actually thought that was the Chinese style design until he said it was Pokabu.
I think that Mijumaru's sea lion evo is just pure water type like feraligatr or blastoise.
This only strengthens the case for Miju3 being fake. That shell is NOT a katana. Why build up a pokemon to be a fighter and make it quadrupedal? I made this to explain:

I actually think that pokabu's evo is petty cool. I would pick it, but I am picking Mijumaru.

If it's made for offense and given the interview Water/Fighting and will replace Poliwrath in usefulness for the same typing.
I dont understand why people are taking that so literal its like everyone heard the word katana and they suddenly thought giant metal sword, for those of you who paid attention to the other words its supposed to RESEMBLE a katana
I love this!!!!! the starters i think are the best ever!!!! im so happy. Imme make it so i get the grass and water starter.
Ok, wow, LMAO at that pic Oakbark!

And Shiramu, I love your av! I guess I'm not the only one who thought Pokabu's evo looks like Ganon!

But yeah...I seriously hope Mijumaru's final form is water/fighting. Poliwrath is the only one with that type combo currently, so it's definately not overdone. Wheras Fire/Fighting was done to DEATH with Infernape -.-

Edit: @sniperfrog, I don't expect it to be a metal sword, I would expect it to be a sword-like shell, being held in it's hand in a bipedal form. Not a giant shell horn on it's back...
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