BW/BW2 Starter Evolutions confirmation.

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Oh yeah here's what I was looking for:
i liked them all except pokabu's evolutions. but oh well, i guess theres always gonna be that one starter line that you're not gonna like.
@Shiramu that looks really cool. I just am hoping that that isnt fake. I like the new designs they are different. TO me they look really powerful, and sorta reminds me of gods because they look elegant(not pokabus but tsutaja's) and really powerful.
oakbark said:
Why build up a pokemon to be a fighter and make it quadrupedal?

This. I just- I just don't. I don't understand.
It's ridiculous. Surprises are all dandy and whatnot, but when you toy around with a starter to the point where it's almost laughable, it's kinda ridiculous.

Edit: @Shiramu: You just made me a lot happier. If that turns out to be the intent for Mijumaru's second stage... I will be one happy guy.
Yeah, that is true sinnohtrainer and oakbark. As much as I love Mijumaru's final form in design, it actually makes NO sense. It looks totally out of place, and is what still makes me question the legitimacy of the pic being real without OFFICIAL, CLEAR CONFIRMATION, not grasping at straws from an interview. Aka, a confirmed Sugimori pic or in-game pic.
I love how this interview is being hailed as the confirmation of the starters, when it actually casts more doubt on their authenticity.

I would personally love a sword-shell-wielding sea lion. But the current (I think, fake) Miju3 is not the one mentioned in that article.
if they arent real i dont mind but i like the idea overall, it looks very nice.
If something just like this shows up for Pokabu as well and Ken doesn't have any Ganon references to it, it'll be surprising.
Oh god, you guys can't be serious... this is real!? D': Ken what did you do to my Pokabu? )': What am I gonna do? ='C
@Shiramu: Dude, that ROCKS! *Gives you a big hug, with my Ampharos joining in.*
@The Mijumaru Evo that Shiramu Posted: In the name of Darnly, please be real! You, Are, Awesome!
@Everybody who says things like "OMG miju Ur Me0nt t0 b3 n 0tta OMG i hut1 y00 n0W!": You guys, I say this to you... Haters gonna hate!
Hey Shiramu, is that real? I hope so - it looks cool and is definitely a lot better than the one we've seen! If the starter evos are fake, you wouldn't believe how happy I'd be! :D
There real! ooooooooooooooommmmmmmmmmmmmmmmyggggggggggod are you kiding me they s*** lets just hope they will look better when we see there battle sprites but the water and fire starter evos are ok i guess
@EPM: I suggest you work on your grammar/spelling a bit :3

On-topic: I say, that for now, everyone takes this interview with a grain of salt, along with the starter evolutions. Neither of which are 100%, so now that I've calmed down quite a bit, I'm just going to wait and see until we get some confirmation on one of the two.
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