Finished Starter RPG - Part 3 - War of the Gods (Over, Waiting for Confirmation on Part 4)

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RE: Starter RPG - Sequel - Just post a form and you will be automatically accepted

Arceus just told me that I had found sa body. Arceus didn't let my spirit die, just my body. And if we want this legendary thing to work, I ink you should call me Manaphy until tonight.

She blurted every thing out once she found her voice.
RE: Starter RPG - Sequel - Just post a form and you will be automatically accepted

"Huh? Arceus obviously didn't possess you then. I got possessed, and I managed to make an alternate person for me. But Arcues is technically locked up in my head, with Yanorz fighting him. In a while Yanorz will come out, and then I will have to fight him.

In the event of Arceus truly being destroyed/weakened greatly, Yanorz could leave my head forever and form his own body."
RE: Starter RPG - Sequel - Just post a form and you will be automatically accepted

"You ARE alive!"
Seare ran over to Ashka and gave her a big hug.
He let go and then cleared his thoat.
"Norzy, I would be incredibly confused about what you said just now if I hadn't gone through it same thing with Pyro. As long as you can't summon giant balls of fire that can destroy planets, then we should be fine"
RE: Starter RPG - Sequel - Just post a form and you will be automatically accepted

Ashka smiled at them.

"Arceus? Possesing someone? I don't think so. He was nice enough to keep me alive, why would he do that? I think this guy is imitating Arceus to try to make him look bad."
Her throat sounded soar still.
"Does anyone have any water?"
RE: Starter RPG - Sequel - Just post a form and you will be automatically accepted

"Wait just a second. First, why would Arceus be nice to you or any of us? We tried to kill him! And two, you are a water pokemon, surely you can just spit some up, or whatever water pokemon do to make water"
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"I am fire originated. How am I supposed to know any of these moves? I never learned them! I just remembered how to talk! And Arceus knew we would fail. He can't be mad at us for to long for throwing a small stick at his foot."
RE: Starter RPG - Sequel - Just post a form and you will be automatically accepted

"Well, it didn't seem like that when Natas was locked in a cage by him... But a lot is not what it seems right now. We must be cautious."
RE: Starter RPG - Sequel - Just post a form and you will be automatically accepted

"Yah, whoever he/she is, he/she is tricky."
She smiles.
"Does anyone have a detailed description of how to stand up?"
RE: Starter RPG - Sequel - Just post a form and you will be automatically accepted

"AHEM!!" Shelly announces
"Why are you all ignoring the great and powerful SHELLY THE SQUIRTLE?!"
RE: Starter RPG - Sequel - Just post a form and you will be automatically accepted

Pyro was about to say something to the newlt revived Ashka when a familiar voice spoke before he did...

"I seems like you need some help in finding a permanent body..." Natas landed before the group, his wings folding back behind his Typholsion body, "...I could help you..."
RE: Starter RPG - Sequel - Just post a form and you will be automatically accepted

"I'm going to fight Arceus!" cried Mijee. "Is anyone going to help me?".
RE: Starter RPG - Sequel - Just post a form and you will be automatically accepted

Ooc: Clearly I was forgotten
RE: Starter RPG - Sequel - Just post a form and you will be automatically accepted

Ooc: Clearly, you didn't post in a long while. We weren't going to stop the RPG until you got back...
RE: Starter RPG - Sequel - Just post a form and you will be automatically accepted

Ooc:I didnt say the RPG should stop,i just said i was forgetten like my character is supposed to, im still not even sure if im gonna keep RPing (that and nobody even wodered what happened to me)
RE: Starter RPG - Sequel - Just post a form and you will be automatically accepted

No one cares Why should we wonder where you'd gone? Nabby went for a long, long time and we only mentioned him twice. You went reasonably briefly, and you could have just gotten killed by Arcues.

I think your character deserves to be forgotten. Leading everyone into a trap and such...

XD I forgot I instigated that, and then you rallied the armies.
RE: Starter RPG - Sequel - Just post a form and you will be automatically accepted

IC: Mijee leapt screaming onto Norzy, driven mad by the fact no one was paying any attention to him.

OOC: What the hell is a winged Typhlosion doing here? And why is there someone complaining about nobody worrying about them?

I can see this turning into a spam war.
RE: Starter RPG - Sequel - Just post a form and you will be automatically accepted

OOC: Pst! It's called a "flame war!"

IC: "Geroff!" Norzy said with a yelp. But then a change came over him, and with a blast of white light he vanished.

And anoter Turtwig appeared, and he was glowing and hovering. "One cannot simply destroy Arceus... One would need an army. Of ninjas. And wizards." Yanorz hovered up higher. "NINJA WIZARDS!"
RE: Starter RPG - Sequel - Just post a form and you will be automatically accepted

OoC: People randomly drop out of RPGs all the time, we weren't going to freak out about you. I bet I could drop out and it would continue on just fine. It is nothing personal. But if you are going to post on here, at least add something to the role playing and not just OoC comments, because that will get this locked.

IC: "Natas? How could you help us? And how do we know that you will actually help and not lead us into some demonic trap, or blow up another planet, or anything along those lines?"
RE: Starter RPG - Sequel - Just post a form and you will be automatically accepted

"He tells the truth... I can feel it. There is good in him still. I think that we must move to strike Arceus while the iron is hot, and restoring this... Ashka's life return to as normal as it could be with the current situation." Yanorz said with a superior look on his face, indicating he thought himself above such petty arguements.
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