Finished Starter RPG - Part 3 - War of the Gods (Over, Waiting for Confirmation on Part 4)

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IC: Denju looked up and saw something flying towards them. "Take cover! He shouted, and a stone effigy landed as they watched from the trees. Denju moved out to look at it. Its head had been cleaved off, but whatever had done it was still there. Mijee's shell. Denju fell to his knees and sobbed.
RE: Starter RPG - Sequel - Just post a form and you will be automatically accepted

"Hypothetically, your brother isn't dead. It is only a shell - a small fragment of him. And what I think that this Pokabu is suggestion if we don't find Ashka a body, we could save her soul/spirit into his digital transplant until we were to find one. It would be exceptionally painful."
RE: Starter RPG - Sequel - Just post a form and you will be automatically accepted

Mijee opened his eyes. He was in the middle of a scorched desert, with rubble littered everywhere. Incinerated trees creaked in the wind. He looked down, and saw not his body, but a ghostly shape much alike the body of Arceus, but without the intricate pieces around his chest. Suddenly, he had access to millions of memories that were not his, from the very creation of the universe itself. Thinking of what happened, he was dragged to a different time. Again, he saw Arceus' body, and again a scorched landscape, but it was a different world to the one he came from. Wondering what had happened, he knew instantly. Arceus had been torn apart by the explosion, but being a god, he couldn't really die. Instead, his consciousness was scattered across time, torn into millions of pieces. Mijee's mind had melded with his in the explosion, but his body was destroyed.

He was Arceus, and Arceus was him.
RE: Starter RPG - Sequel - Just post a form and you will be automatically accepted

I'm on scout camp this weekend, so I won't be on.
RE: Starter RPG - Sequel - Just post a form and you will be automatically accepted

... this body feels..

And Arceus wrested control of his body back. Instantly, he knew the location of the Mijumaru's friends.

"I have access to his memory..."

Arceus snorted, then rose up and flew towards them.

ARRIVAL TIME: Monday. 2 days and counting.
RE: Starter RPG - Sequel - Just post a form and you will be automatically accepted

"Huh... So some one tried to kill Arceus again? That blast was probably him teaching that sorry sucker a lesson. I would hate to be that guy. So, I think we should ask Ashka what to do next, seeing as it is a body for her that we need to look for"
RE: Starter RPG - Sequel - Just post a form and you will be automatically accepted

Denju declared "I'm going to look for my brother!"

Arceus moved towards them ever quicker. Then, having accamaleted enough speed, he opened a wormhole and shot through, emerging above the Pokemon. "Time to die, inferior fools!", and he loosed a beam that created huge scorch marks on the ground. Denju gazed up at him, petrified.
RE: Starter RPG - Sequel - Just post a form and you will be automatically accepted

"Hahaha your a big noob!"Squit taunted.
Squit then used his powers to make a giant hole that can kill Arceus."

OOC:Hmm this seems interesting with the Arceus thing.Like I know it has happened before.
RE: Starter RPG - Sequel - Just post a form and you will be automatically accepted

Seare looked up at Arceus and yelled at him. "Arceus, what are you doing?! You were helping us like an hour ago! What's your damage?? And stop it, Squit. You are only going to make this worse by ating like that"
RE: Starter RPG - Sequel - Just post a form and you will be automatically accepted

OoC: And Arceus fell in and died. NOT.
By the way, does anyone know if were allowed to kill Arceus?

IC: A huge hole opened up in front of Arceus, blocking Denju from his beam. Denju ran.

Arceus obliterated the hole. He said to Seare "I helped Ashka because she is significant to me. You are not."
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"But I am significant to her survival, so by killing me you would be killing her. So unless you just want to undo the work you did to save her, I would stop this madness"

OoC: I dont think so, I think we learded that last time lol.
RE: Starter RPG - Sequel - Just post a form and you will be automatically accepted

Arceus' eyes narrowed. "You claim so? Do you know why she is significant to me?"
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"I haven't a clue. You think shes foxy maybe? But doesn't matter, killing me would be a mistake" Seare narrowed his eyes back at Arceus. Outside he looked calm and was standing his ground, but inside he felt like he was going to throw up. He was challenging a god.
RE: Starter RPG - Sequel - Just post a form and you will be automatically accepted

Pyro immediatley beacme hostile, activating his Shadow Claws, he stood infront of Ashka/Manaphy. "If you try anything Arceus, I'll tear you to shreads" It was an empty threat, but one nonetheless...

Natas snarled, he summoned Ragnarok and then started charging his Demon Breaker. "Get away from here, as of late you aren't a god but a tyrant! So why should we hesitate in attacking you?"
RE: Starter RPG - Sequel - Just post a form and you will be automatically accepted

Arceus threw his head back and laughed. "Your efforts are amusing. For them, you may live - in another world!"

And the sky cracked, the ground thrust itself up and turned itself inside out. In all the senses, things were twisted, until the world was no longer recognisable. It stopped, and they stood in a ravaged, unknown landscape. Arceus was gone.
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Seare looked around in amazement and the new landscape. But fury blinded his vision and he started yelling at the sky.
"Way to go! How are we going to find Ashka a body here? You say you love her, but you sure don't show it!" He kicked the dirt and stormed away from the group
RE: Starter RPG - Sequel - Just post a form and you will be automatically accepted

Arceus' voice boomed, "I have resolved not to love anymore. Love is a weakness. I have no weakness."
RE: Starter RPG - Sequel - Just post a form and you will be automatically accepted

"The four have spoken. We must go East, and there we will find one that can bring an end to doom. We move for Giratina. The fourth egg must be preserved. We may then help Ashka to her true form, and then we shall rise up against Arceus."
RE: Starter RPG - Sequel - Just post a form and you will be automatically accepted

"Messing with Giritina doesn't go with my mojo, but if it means I can get a body, I'll take it."

She figures out how to stand up.
This feels really wierd...
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