Finished Starter RPG - Part 3 - War of the Gods (Over, Waiting for Confirmation on Part 4)

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"Sell our soul? So like, no afterlife? Or what?"
He then sees Marijoo.
"Hi there... Lizard Thing. What do you want?"
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No one had noticed, but Denju was going crazy and vaporising people. Maybe he's possessed by Giratina... *MASSIVE HINT*
RE: Starter RPG - Sequel - Just post a form and you will be automatically accepted

No one had noticed, but Denju was going crazy and vaporising people. Maybe he's possessed by Giratina... *MASSIVE HINT*
I would think that that would be hard to not notice...

Ashka/Manaphy immediately walks towards Natas to see where he was floating, and looked up at him.
"No! I almost Pyro killed once, and I'm not going to take any more chances. I would rather be gone forever than to watch someone else suffer due to my cause. Where going to Giri-DENJU???!!! WHAT THE FEEBASS ARE YOU DOING???!!!"
She screams as she sees Denju vaporizing people randomly. She runs to stop him, preparing I Fire Wheel, but realizes her condition.
"Uh...Water Gun...go...?"

OoC: She's hopeless...
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"...But, what do you think the people around you want for you?" Natas suddenly realised Denju was going nuts, he sighed and summoned Ragnarok. "...You guys never make things easy, do you?" Natas then flew towards Denju, Ragnarok outstreached.

Before Pyro could act, he realised Natas took Ragnarok. "Darnit! I hope he knows how to summon more than Ragnarok..."
RE: Starter RPG - Sequel - Just post a form and you will be automatically accepted

"Well, I don't want nowt for her. She kept on going about some wacky bloke called Pyro, and I dint like 'im one bit. Not really." Norzy shrugged. "Lo'! Denju 'as gone mad! Not that I ain't that already, so tuh speak."
RE: Starter RPG - Sequel - Just post a form and you will be automatically accepted

"Guys, I think I have gone off the deep end. Seriously. Flying Typhlosion, a Wotter with vaporizing powers, I'm in some strange new world, Ashka's a Manaphy, and we are talking pokemon! Yep, I've gone nuts..."

"Oh, and Norzy is now British"
RE: Starter RPG - Sequel - Just post a form and you will be automatically accepted

Ashka slaps him.
"Do you feel in the deep end now?"
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"I ain't no 'lizard thing'! I AM THE AWESOMENESS THAT IS TSUTAJA!"
Marijoo just notices the Mijumaru vaporizing everything in it's path, and the flying Typhlosion.
"Um...why aren't we panicing?"
Marijoo panics and screams everywhere, in which he's an easy target for the Mijumaru to vaporize him, he was easily noticable.
RE: Starter RPG - Sequel - Just post a form and you will be automatically accepted

OOC: Brother, did you even read the rules? Also gotta have two lines, and stuff.

IC: Norzy wasn't smashed into oblivion. He fell down mext to Seare. "I wuz En'lish from the start! Only I was southerner then, like."

OOC: I really am English guys. And partially Welsh. And partially Scottish. Possibly Frnch and American too...
RE: Starter RPG - Sequel - Just post a form and you will be automatically accepted

OoC: I think it's time I rejoin this.

IC: Pippy suddenly becomes involved, after a long time of silence.

"So, uh, what's going on?"
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"Ashka, I'm a loon. I'm thinking you are all just figmints of my imagination. None of you really exist. Thats why some of us just disappear and reappear at a moments notice. Hi Pippy. But since we are all in my head anyway, lets find you some body to live in, or whatever we have to doooooo"
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"I wuz jes makin' a comment! Look Seare, we ain't a figment. If we ain't really here, nivver are you, if you know what I mean.

We better getta movin. We aren't getting anywhere and we ought to be doing sommat. We can't live our lives squabbling like a massive bunch of old married couples. Not that I'm married."
RE: Starter RPG - Sequel - Just post a form and you will be automatically accepted

For some reason, some Pokemon stood around in the middle arguing while Denju killed off their friends. Then, the shadows surrounding Denju moved away from him and a faint shape began to form. It was Giratina!

OOC: Chi, you're not Welsh at all. You're English as English can be.
RE: Starter RPG - Sequel - Just post a form and you will be automatically accepted

Natas suddenly stopped flying towards Denju, he fell to his knees and bowed to Giratina. "My...Lord...Excuse us, we wish you no harm..." Natas looked back and said to the group of pokemon, "...What? I'm a Giratinist! It's a religion..."

Pyro didn't understand what was going on, but he knew he had to protect Ashka. The Quilava stood infront of her, his flames erupting...
RE: Starter RPG - Sequel - Just post a form and you will be automatically accepted

I almost wish I was a spirit again...
She walks towards Giritina, and looks up.
As Pyro's flames erupt in front of her, she questions Natas.
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"Most peculiar. I've seen cases like this before, but I ain't ever seen 'un like this. Giratina! How are yer? Having a good 'holiday? Us? We are just hanging with it here, only a desperately deserted planet and I'm all forgettin' of my strange ability to teleport. And that stuff." Norzy shrugged.
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"Err...Giritinist? Right..."
Marijoo slowly walks back a few steps, but the poor Tsutaja trips and falls on his head.
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IC: Giratina turned his head towards Ashka, and in a voice that had been unheard for millenia, rumbled "Who dares come to the Shadow World and disturb its unbroken silence? And what to they seek to gain?"
Denju fell to the ground once Giratina spoke, free from his power. Then Giratina broke away his dizzying gaze from Ashka and seemed to fade until but a silhouette remained. They he came back into focus, and his ancient voice said with a hint of amusement, "Arceus tells me you mortals tried to overthrow him! Surely you puny weaklings have not grown yet more arrogant in the time since I fled your world?"
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