Finished Starter RPG - Part 3 - War of the Gods (Over, Waiting for Confirmation on Part 4)

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Natas got up and looked at the group, "I would do it without hesitation...But, like I said, I have no soul, I sold my soul to a Demon remember? And my soul took control of my body and became..." Natas looked at Ashka, "...Pyro...And I know how against his sacrifice you are..."

Pyro shouted, "I don't care! I'd sell my soul a thousand times if it meant Ashka could be safe! She helped me out of my shell, she made me what I am today...And I wont loose her AGAIN!!!"
RE: Starter RPG - Sequel - Just post a form and you will be automatically accepted

"Oh wow. That just made things a lot more difficult. Guys, maybe we can find her a body somewhere else"
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"Well. Then I will take the soul of Pyro." said Giratina. "Otherwise, Ashka will die. Time is ticking. When the clock reaches zero, the war will began. The four deities will fight, and the universe will be destroyed."
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(Dundundun. Loving where you guys're going with this. *munches on popcorn*)
RE: Starter RPG - Sequel - Just post a form and you will be automatically accepted

"Woah! Did you guys hear that? It sounded like... The munching of popcorn!"
Seare looks around suspicously
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(Oh rly? Is that right? Fine. Muddy's back then)
Muddy appeared in mid air, a bowl of popcorn in one hand.
"Popcorn. Tsk tsk, this is top of the line premium popped corn. You of all people should know Seare." Muddy wagged a paw at him. (do mudkip have paws?)
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"Muddy! I knew you would show up here eventually. Where have you been??"
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"Eh. Watching you guys. Filling up on popcorn. So... wow!" Muddy turned around and saw Giratina. "What the- what are you doing here?"
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Natas pondered, there was no easy way out of this situation, unless..."Hey, we could always...Hold on, I'll be right back!" Natas folded himself up behind his wings and then vanished, he reappeared a few seconds later with a female Quilava. "...Pan, do you have Isa with you?"

The Quilava, Pan, looked down at a baby Cyndaquil that she cradled in her arms. "I do..." She stood up and layed the Cyndaquil infront of Ashka.

Natas looked at Ashka, "The Cyndaquil...Isa, she's got little time left..." The Typhlosion started shedding tears, "I can...Transfer your soul to Isa, that way you can survive..." Natas sobbed, "Please Ashka...Take my dying daughter's...Body..."

Pyro turned to see Muddy eating popcorn, the Quilava snarled, he never forgot what Muddy did to him. So he got into a stance, and activated his Shadow Claw...
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(oh Natas evolved? cool)

Muddy turned his attention from Giratina to Pyro, who seemed to be attacking him.
"Now really, Pyro? After all we've been through?"
RE: Starter RPG - Sequel - Just post a form and you will be automatically accepted

OoC: When this wraps up, can I host a Starter RPG III? And I think it's about time we did.

IC: "The Origin Wars were fought thousands of your years ago. The four gods fought for supremacy, and in the turmoil, your planet was fought. To ensure its survival in time and space, the gods, after making peace, made an unbreakable shield in space-time, sealed by the presence of the legendary fifth deity. Her." And he gestured at Ashka. "You are the seal. Manaphy is your true body. But she was damaged, and dying. Arceus put your soul into a mortal body, because he had feelings towards her. When her soul left, the shield would be broken, and the deities would fight again, as prophecy decreed. And now will come that time. With Arceus weakened, any one of the gods could win. To stop this, I need you to give your life, if you have no soul."
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(OOC: I think not. I am very protective of my Starter RPG. I'll start another one when this ends. No offence. BTW you are a good RPer Alvin.)

IC: Muddy rolled his eyes. Didn't Giratina ever talk about anything new?
"This is why I hang out with Palkia and Dialga." He muttered. "Gods making peace... as if."
RE: Starter RPG - Sequel - Just post a form and you will be automatically accepted

OoC: Sure, that's fine too. If you need any help with it, I'll be glad to offer it.

IC: "If this talk does not matter to you," scowled Giratina "perhaps you grow tired of existence. I could quickly end your life. By giving Aska a body, I am preventing myself from having a chance to supremacy. I do it only to..." he murmered off, and his eyes clouded and darkened. "Your impetulance has made my decision for me. You will all die, in a righteous blaze of fire and death. The Destruction Wars have begun. Pick your side mortals. And choose wisely. Mistakes here will result in certain death..."
RE: Starter RPG - Sequel - Just post a form and you will be automatically accepted

Pippy suddenly despised being quiet and ignored. He ran directly in front of the Giratina, and said. "Just give her a body!!"
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"Have you heard nothing? I will give her no body. I will take her soul, as you offer me none other, and mark the beginning of a reign of war with her destruction."

And the landscape around them began to change, with the ground inverting itself, then splintering, until nothing remained but an inky void dotted with stars. Ashka began disappearing, her body disintegrating (OoC: She's NOT dead), and finally vanishing. Then Giratina's voice declared "Come, masters of time and space, and creator of the very fabric in which we exist, come forth and witness the new master of reality. I am the ruler of all, the one that always waited in the shadows. Now you stand in my shadow." Palkia, Dialga and a fragmented Arceus appeared in the darkness, radiating pure light. "I will destroy...", but Giratina paused for thought, then leered "I will take her soul into my body, and use the power of the fifth deity to win the conquest. You will fall. I know that your pride means you will never fall under one banner. Individually, you will clash, fighting over a torn universe. And you, mortals," he said, turning to the starters, "Choose your side, or you will certainly die."

Then the world shifted back to their normal home, with birds singing in the trees, and everything as it had been. But the sky was already darkening, and galaxies turning in the heavens. The time to decide had come. Who would they fight for?
RE: Starter RPG - Sequel - Just post a form and you will be automatically accepted

"W...What just happened?"
The poor Tsutarja was puzzled and terrified at the same time.
RE: Starter RPG - Sequel - Just post a form and you will be automatically accepted

(Ok. I like you, you're good with RPG's and all that.)

"You know," Muddy said, not really caring about Palkia, Dialga or Arceus. "I do grow a bit tired of existence. But I grow even more tired of you four and your constant bickering and fighting. I'm not choosing any side."
RE: Starter RPG - Sequel - Just post a form and you will be automatically accepted

(oh dang they did? nvm, ignore my previous post)
RE: Starter RPG - Sequel - Just post a form and you will be automatically accepted

So guys. I ask you (with nabby101's permission, to ask you) to join your preferred team. You will be transported to their world, to prepare for the next battle. All Pokemon will become fully evolved when you choose your team. And here they are:

Team Eternity - Dialga's Team
You will receive the power to slow down time, the gift from Dialga.

Team Infinity - Palkia's Team
You will get the ability to distort space, transforming it, and also the power to create wormholes.

Team Origin - Arceus' Team
Gain the power to create matter, from nothing at all. Led by Arceus, the creator.

Team Shadows - Giratina's Team
Can convert anyone to a shadow being, who come under their command.

Make your choices guys!
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