Finished Stewart Hall Academy~Check post 3466 to see if you got in!

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RE: Stewart Hall Academy

*splits into seven*
"Thanks for taking over."
Not feeling much like a hero now, are you?
RE: Stewart Hall Academy

"Oh, hi Serenity. Why aren't you at the Dean's office? What did he say?"
RE: Stewart Hall Academy

"He said we have to stay at the school for a few days...(tears up)...(starts to cry).."
RE: Stewart Hall Academy

*walks in*
"Come on Sernity and Chris. It's about time to go to bed I think."

"Yah...I'm *yawn* even more tired than usual..."
Normal Nana...we are getting weaker...
RE: Stewart Hall Academy

"It doesn't make much sense for them to wait for us to grow up physically. That would take to long. Maybe they want us to ACT mature. How, I don't know, but that makes more sense, I think"
RE: Stewart Hall Academy

"Even if that is the option, we can't wait that long. Tomorow after noon, we are leaving."
RE: Stewart Hall Academy

Chris decides to go back to his room.

"Man. All I've done is pack and unpack. It would be nice to attend a class. As bizarre as it sounds," thought Chris
RE: Stewart Hall Academy

"Im going outside...i'll see yall tomoro..."
Mack heads outside to the training grounds and throws out his pokemon.
RE: Stewart Hall Academy

"I don't think I have the heart to take Serenity there again. We will split into teams, so that maybe we can faster."
RE: Stewart Hall Academy

Mack is outside getting his pokemon to battle so they can train.

ooc:is it ok if by tommore 2 or all of them evolved once :O?
RE: Stewart Hall Academy

batpee1 said:
ooc:is it ok if by tommore 2 or all of them evolved once :O?

No! You have only had your pokemon for a week!

"With the seven of us Nana's, we could probably make 4 different teams..."
RE: Stewart Hall Academy

ooc: even if i train them all night? how about just one of them evolve cuase beldum sucks unless it evolves >.<

"cmon guys keep it up!"
RE: Stewart Hall Academy

If you train them all night, then you will have to stay behind at the school while we explore. Just deal with it. I plan for your characters to be like...18 before this RPG is over!

"Mack get to bed. But I should probably tell you something first. You have to promise not to tell any of the others."
RE: Stewart Hall Academy

ooc: i dun wanna get left behind like shane >.< lol

"guy's return! Ya nana?"
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