Finished Stewart Hall Academy~Check post 3466 to see if you got in!

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RE: Stewart Hall Academy

Okay, the girl dissolved into a bunch of dust particles to reveal note that is another hint to fin Kina. Nana told the Dean that the girl was in the infrimary to not upset him. Chris fainted, and Nana and Serenity are headed him to the nurse. The rest of you are in the Dean's office.

*gets there*
"Oh! Is he hurt?"
"No, I think he's just exhausted. have him rest for awhile, k?"
RE: Stewart Hall Academy

Mack glares at the dean for a while then looks away.
RE: Stewart Hall Academy

ooc batui read above my last post aggie cuaght meh up..
RE: Stewart Hall Academy

"They said that we needed to mature, so that means we need to be adults...unfortunalatly, that is 6 years away."
RE: Stewart Hall Academy

ooc: or we could take aging potions like harry potter :D!

ic: Mack is looking at all the old stuff the dean has in his office.
RE: Stewart Hall Academy

"See yah two gals later!"
"If they can't come to us, then why don't we come to them?"
RE: Stewart Hall Academy

batpee1 said:
ooc: omg gangsta you'r coming to someone :D

really? T_T'
I join the pokestory thingmabob...
and THIS is how he treats me!

IC: *in the Dean office*
"I think I have an idea..."
RE: Stewart Hall Academy

"Think about this. We went to Snowpoint, and the only one who was left was that little girl. They used her to scare us, then killed her in the end. Now, think of the other towns with gym leaders."
RE: Stewart Hall Academy

"i got it! They like girls!"
Then Mack makes a face like this :D.
RE: Stewart Hall Academy

"They must be kidnapping everyone to turn them into people in black."
RE: Stewart Hall Academy

Wow. His emo sickness passed by fast...
"Right. They want the most powerful figures first, so that no one can stop them. But the real question is Why Kina?"
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