Finished Stewart Hall Academy~Check post 3466 to see if you got in!

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RE: Stewart Hall Academy

ooc im not putting that in my sig aggie >.> also y character is gunna stop being emo

ic: "is shane gunna come with us this time..?"
RE: Stewart Hall Academy

Drake runs quickly to the Dean's office, but trips on a rock while doing so.
RE: Stewart Hall Academy

Mack hops of and walks at a fast speed to the dean office.
RE: Stewart Hall Academy

"Shane has been with us the whole time!"
(but hes abviously not active...)
*runs into the Deans office*
"Did you find her?"
RE: Stewart Hall Academy

"Dean, they attacked Snowpoint City. We have found only one survivor, but everyone else is gone."
"Where is the survivor?"
"She is in the school infirmary, uncle..."
RE: Stewart Hall Academy

Chris feels like a lot has passed in the last few hours. Suddenly, he feels woozy.

Chris faints.

OOC: Thank you for thinking I did a good job. :)
RE: Stewart Hall Academy

Your welcome!

IC:"Nana, take Chris to the infirmary. He's probably exhauseted. Along with the rest of you. I'm sorry. But you will to at least stay here for a few days so that we can gather the information."
RE: Stewart Hall Academy

As Chris is wheeled off to the infirmary, he starts to dream wildly. Of the two Notes that were mysteriously given to them.

"The...notes," Chris stammered, "I...know.."
RE: Stewart Hall Academy

Chris started to stammer again,

"Growth... maturity... us."

Chris falls back into his faint.
RE: Stewart Hall Academy

"That's it! Once we become adults, he will show himself, and then we can save Kina!"
But that is so far away...
*conintues to head for the infirmary*
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