Finished Stewart Hall Academy~Check post 3466 to see if you got in!

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RE: Stewart Hall Academy

batui4 said:
OOC: is drake dead and out of the game or what??

I had a plan, but you know, shampoo took care of it...

IC:Inside the pokeballs are a Lapras, Squirtle, and a Altaria.

"They couldn't kill her. They probably only kidnapped her. They're traveling faster than we are. But how?"
RE: Stewart Hall Academy

OOC:Serenity already has a lapras lol she visited her granny before hand lol
"OK were do we need to go to find them...them...them MOSTERS....(cries again)..(gets up) lets go Nana.."
RE: Stewart Hall Academy

"That's possible..."
*splits into seven*
"But is it probable?"

OOC: then the lapras is a...Minus...
RE: Stewart Hall Academy

ooc batui your still at pokemon center >.<

"ya little girl we can help you."
RE: Stewart Hall Academy

OOC:I'm assuming that there back to.

IC:"The men in black must be stopped."
RE: Stewart Hall Academy

"If they have my granny then anything is possible.."
OOC:If serenity already has a lapras then does she get another one or does she just find 2 pokeballs lol
RE: Stewart Hall Academy

"I need to-to-toooo"
*the girl fades away in black dust, uncovering a note*
Haha. You kids are to funny.
You follow a stupid poem and killed a little girl in the process.
Not all maturity comes with age though....

"We were tricked into coming here. So that we could see the things they do..."
RE: Stewart Hall Academy

"We have to head back to the Dean and tell him about this. But first, lets see if my little messanger worked out.."

*A light appears before Drake, and all of his wounds are suddenly healed*
RE: Stewart Hall Academy

OOC: I dont know realy like i said before iIcouldn't find the orginal owner...
"Ok lets go back to the dean and tell him about this and how they knew we was gonna be hear.."
RE: Stewart Hall Academy

"Well they said you guys were easy to trick...and they took my Granny..."
OOc:how did i tlk ghetto
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