Finished Stewart Hall Academy~Check post 3466 to see if you got in!

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RE: Stewart Hall Academy

Serenity knows that Drake is just trying to help her....." Drake you stay here( isnt like youre goin anywere) I'll go get Nana she can help..." Runs to get Nana
OOC: I guess that Miracle can happen now lol
RE: Stewart Hall Academy

*Roan was walking when a Zubat attacked*
"Cubone! Use bone club!"
*Cubone tries to hit the Zubat, but can't reach it*
"Ohno, I forgot, Zubat is a flying type. Ok, return! Go Shellder! Use Icicle Spear!"
*Shellder shoots some icicles at the zubat and knocks it out easily*
"Phew, that was close"
RE: Stewart Hall Academy

Nana: Nana sees Serenity coming back.

"Oh, geez! What's going on in there?"

Chris: Chris tries to run back to the exit, but something shiny catches his eye. He runs towards it.
RE: Stewart Hall Academy

OoC: We are exploring snow point temple, and we all left but Drake, so Roan went back to find him, and rock fell on Drakes legs, and Roan is deep in the temple
RE: Stewart Hall Academy

Boddy903 Thank you vvery much, I know I chose the right person. Well, it seams that you guys didn't go to far in the last 20 pages I skimmed through....
Boddy903 said:
OOC: I don't know if aggiegwyn will be cool with us getting overpowered pokemon. We'll just see what she says
I say Boddy is right! You can get evolutions, but you still have to be challenged somewhat...

"Guys, I'm going with Serenity. Chris can go too" *winks* "But the rest of you should go inside."
RE: Stewart Hall Academy

Inside you see that everyonein the pokemon center is missing. You also notice that while you were outside, you didn't see anyone either.
RE: Stewart Hall Academy

"OK this is getting weird I better just write in my book and relax."
RE: Stewart Hall Academy

dang this isn't good
Mack explores to the back of the pokecenter looking for nurse joy.
RE: Stewart Hall Academy

You find a little girl sitting in the corner of the room, hidden by a staircase. She is shivering, even though it is temparate in the room. She has blue hair, in little pigtails. She is wearing a t-shirt and jeans.
RE: Stewart Hall Academy

"Black men seem like they were here to.Are you ok little girl?"
RE: Stewart Hall Academy

"My sister Candice...she's a gym le-le-leader! How could they take her? Wh-wh-why?"
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