Finished Stewart Hall Academy~Check post 3466 to see if you got in!

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RE: Stewart Hall Academy

"Gah! What is that thing. Hold on, let me check the Book."

Chris flips through, and finds Sneasel.

"It's a Sneasel!"
RE: Stewart Hall Academy

"Well Chris what are you waiting for...battle it!" Serenity runs behind Chris...
RE: Stewart Hall Academy

"Umm...Ok. I'll try. Umm... Bella! Use Razor Leaf!"

Bella shoots Razor Leaves at the Sneasel, but the Sneasel retaliates by scratching the Razor Leaves.

"Bella! Use Tackle!"

Bella charges at the Sneasel, and hits him with Tackle.
RE: Stewart Hall Academy

"OK uhm Chris Bella is a Grass type it might get hurt bad battling an Ice type....try Beck..!"
RE: Stewart Hall Academy

While Serenity said that, the Sneasel launched an Icy Wind at Bella, knocking it out.

"Oh, geez. Beck! Use Bubble!"
RE: Stewart Hall Academy

The Sneasel fled after getting hit with a bubble attack "Whew Chris we have got to be more aware of these kinda things.." then Serenity realizes that if a wild pokemon attacked them then one could have attacked Roan and Drake."We better find Roan and Drake fast Chris!"
RE: Stewart Hall Academy

"Ok, I'm coming!" said Drake. He put Bella and Beck back in the poke balls. And ran after her.
RE: Stewart Hall Academy

OOC: Oh, so you can control my character? xD

IC: "I feel like being watched...WHO'S THERE?"
RE: Stewart Hall Academy

"Drake couldn't be THIS far in the temple, could he cubone?"
*Suddenly a Graveler rolled around the corner, sees Roan and Cubone and starts to attack*
"Uh-oh. Don't panic Cubone, we have a type advantage! Bone club!"
*Cubone runs at the Graveler annd whacks it in the face. It falls backwards, stunned by the attack*
"Goodjob Cubone! It flinched! Hit it again!"
*Cubone hits it again, but then it comes back with a rock throw and hits Cubone hard, Cubone runs back and hits it one last time. The graveler stopped attacking, and started glowing white.*
"Ohno! Cubone, run!"
*We get around a corner and an explosion happens, rocking the whole temple*
"Drake.... Where are you, I just want to leave"
RE: Stewart Hall Academy

Chris: Suddenly, a big explosion rocks the temple.

"Serenity? What was that?"
RE: Stewart Hall Academy

"Oh gosh...I have to run..."
Drake attempts to run, but he trips and heavy rocks fall on his legs, holding him down.
RE: Stewart Hall Academy

"Oh No..Chris run!! I'll save the others I know this temple better.." Serenity hears people screaming "OK Go Luna(sends out lapras)..Ok Luna use PSYCHIC..." Luna picks the rocks up of of Drake..."Drake are you ok??"
RE: Stewart Hall Academy

*Roan and Cubone keep walking deeper into the cave, hoping to avoid any more wild pokemon and find Drake, not knowing Serenity already did*
RE: Stewart Hall Academy

OOC: Do you want youre character to just lay there lol...??
" IM not leaving without you Drake were a team now your coming or Im staying untill we get help..."
RE: Stewart Hall Academy

OOC: A MIRACLE can happen. O:

IC: "My legs can't move, this temple is huge. If I stay the rock will crush me, if I try to crawl to the entrance the Rocks will crush me anyway, since I'm too slow. So just let me be."
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