Finished Stewart Hall Academy~Check post 3466 to see if you got in!

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RE: Stewart Hall Academy

Chris: "Roan, you were scared too! Someone's going to have to go get him. Nana's losing her patience."
RE: Stewart Hall Academy

Nana: "No way, I might not be able to escape. One of you guys go. I'm not about to be your babysitter."
RE: Stewart Hall Academy

"I wasn't! And to prove it, I'll go!"
*Roan runs into the entrance. Once out of sight and alone, he starts getting scared*
"Ok, Cubone, come out and keep me company, this place is creepy"
*Sends out Cubone*
RE: Stewart Hall Academy

While everyone was was exploring the temple Serenity was busy visiting a small cabin. She talked to her Granma about why she was home so early and why she needed her support.Her Grandma wasnt mad nor sad she just shook her head and then nodded at the pokemon. "Grandma I might be gone doing this for a long time and I just wanted to say I love you incase anything happens to me....but Im only taking Luna(a lapras) with me. I know she is still young and has alot to learn but she will be of great use with us..Ok??" Serenity's Grandma looks at her and tells her she approves but with tears in her eyes she gives her a hug and she slips another pokeball into her pocket(she doesnt know this yet). She then eats a pot of her grandmas Snowy Stew and then Serenity leaves to go visit the Icy rock one last time before thier journy begines."I'll miss them..(tear) but I have to do this..." she said to herself.
RE: Stewart Hall Academy

OOC: Heheh, Snowy Stew

IC: Nana: "Roan hasn't come back in a long time. I think someone should go save them."
RE: Stewart Hall Academy

After sitting and staring at the icy rock thinking about stuff Serenity starts walking back to were everyone else is. "Well wont be back here for a while..." She sees everyone else arguing at the entrance to the temple "Whats wrong guys?"
OOC: Yeah snowy stew lol
RE: Stewart Hall Academy

Chris: Chris looks over, and sees that Serenity is back, "Roan and Drake went back into the Temple, but we think they got lost. Now, we're trying to decide who's going to go and save them.
RE: Stewart Hall Academy

Serenity shakes her head.." Guys youre not suppose to go in there...ugh I'll go,but if the Gym leader finds out about this were toast so lets hurry..." She grabs Chris and pulls him in the Temple "Dont worry Ive been in her a dozen times I know my way out."
RE: Stewart Hall Academy

"Wait! Wait! I don't want to go!!" said Chris as he was being pulled in by Serenity

Nana: "Finally I can have some quiet!"
RE: Stewart Hall Academy

"Ok so witch way did Roan go exactly....?" She said looking around the Temple.
RE: Stewart Hall Academy

"I don't know." said Chris. "I wasn't exactly watching him leave. Maybe he went the way we did. We need to take a left."
RE: Stewart Hall Academy

"So you guys were going to the lowest level...Sigh* well we better get moving if were gonna find him..." Serenity picks up a torch from the outside of the temple to lead the way....
RE: Stewart Hall Academy

"God, this place gives me the creeps. Especially that giant statue."
RE: Stewart Hall Academy

"I dont know if you know this or not but this is Regigigas, it only awakens by the presence of the three guardians...ugh Roan were are you..." A wild Sneasel jumped from behind the statue....angry that Serenity and Chris woke it up...
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