Finished Stewart Hall Academy~Check post 3466 to see if you got in!

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RE: Stewart Hall Academy

*Helps Drake up*
"You guys know that legends say a legendary pokemon lives deep in here?"
RE: Stewart Hall Academy

"Pfft, that's a stupid lie. This is just an enormous statue. It's not like it'll come to life or something..."
RE: Stewart Hall Academy

*wakes up and goes into the temple and finds Drake,Mack.and Chris* "and yes the pokemon regegsis,"
RE: Stewart Hall Academy

Chris: Chris looks in his Pokedex book, and sees a pokemon that looks similar to the statue.

RE: Stewart Hall Academy

"I heard that a group of kids, just like us, went missing in here, and they were never, ever, found. Scary, huh?"
RE: Stewart Hall Academy

"ya but none of use have the necessary things to summon it alive..."
RE: Stewart Hall Academy

Chris: "I don't think this is the actual pokemon. Look."

Chris gets close to the Regigigas, and knocks on it.

RE: Stewart Hall Academy

"That rumor about the kids is just a stupid lie."
Drake kicks the Regigigas statue.
" foot hurts. Anyway, people probably just built a statue of it. Nothing big."
RE: Stewart Hall Academy

"Legend states that you must have regice regsteel and regerock to summon it."
RE: Stewart Hall Academy

"Well, we don't have those 3 Pokemon, so let's just explore this place or something."
RE: Stewart Hall Academy

"Is it a lie? Are you sure? Dun dun dun.... And duh, its just a statue, what did you expect?"

"AH! Whos that??"
RE: Stewart Hall Academy

OOC: Oh batui4, stealing a phrase from a video game. ^_^

IC: "Yeah 'Show yourself' Ha! Stop the joke guys."
RE: Stewart Hall Academy

Out from the shadows, appears the Guard.

"This place is dangerous. But, since you are the Maintenance Crew, I'll let you stay. But you shouldn't have come so far into the Temple."
RE: Stewart Hall Academy

"Its mr. bokin- cept- hak- in- stav? He's real!!"

edit: ninja'd lol. "Just kidding, just the guard. Heh.. heh..."
RE: Stewart Hall Academy

"Its just you I thought it was the guardian of regigegas."

Its A Me Mario!
RE: Stewart Hall Academy

Guard: "Wait, before you go. I want to let you know. One of you will not escape alive."

The Guard vanishes.

Chris looks at the spot where the Guard was, dumbfounded.
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