Finished Stewart Hall Academy~Check post 3466 to see if you got in!

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RE: Stewart Hall Academy

Guard: "If you say he did, then I don't care. Go on ahead."

Chris: "Look at this place. It's literally crumbling." Chris keeps going, and notices that the ice is slippery.
"Watch your step."
RE: Stewart Hall Academy

"go cyndaquil."
Cyndaquil comes out.
"use ember to melt the ice on the floor mate."
RE: Stewart Hall Academy

Chris: "Well, I guess we could do that. Come on. I want to see what's at the end. This is so, mysterious."
Chris walks down slowly, half-expecting something scary to pop out.
RE: Stewart Hall Academy


IC: "Guys, wait up!"
Drake falls and lands on his butt
RE: Stewart Hall Academy

ooc: guy's if i see an ice type i want is it ok if i catch it?
Mack follows where cyndaquil melts a path.
RE: Stewart Hall Academy

Chris: "Guys! Don't be so loud! You might cause something to happen!"
Chris waits for Roan and Drake to catch up.
RE: Stewart Hall Academy

"Ok, ok."
Drake follows the path that Cyndaquil burns, and catches up with Chris and Mack.
RE: Stewart Hall Academy

OOC: I think it'd be best if we kept a maximum of three pokemon right now, and we'll see what aggiegwyn says once she comes back on. So... yeah.

IC: Chris: "Guys, I think I can see the end. Come on, it's not that far away."
RE: Stewart Hall Academy

ooc lol i have 5 so i keep to these 5....

Mack speeds up with cyndaquil.
RE: Stewart Hall Academy

Drake rushes but falls on the ice, hitting his head, trying to hold in his tears and not scream.
RE: Stewart Hall Academy

"drake folow the path my cyndaquil is making mate. also i think it's about 3ish roan."{
RE: Stewart Hall Academy

Chris: "I honestly have no idea." Chris looks around, and sees Drake on the floor, holding back tears.

"Drake? Are you alright?"
RE: Stewart Hall Academy

Chris: "Look you guys!"

Chris sees a giant statue in the center of the Temple. It looks enormous.
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