Finished Stewart Hall Academy~Check post 3466 to see if you got in!

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RE: Stewart Hall Academy

OOC: I had my whole team not just 2 pokemon

IC:"Yes i wore a mask so know one would bother me in school."
RE: Stewart Hall Academy

OOC: I can't take this anymore, batui4 makes this game less fun, he tries to be a know-it-all, he always tries to bring his "Oh-So-Powerful" Pokemon, and now he says "lolz I beat teh elite four, Red, and teh Silver Cup, when I was 8, lolz" Not to mention his spelling, also, your pokemon's moves are overpowered, Psychic, Shadow Ball? I can't take it anymore. You act like a God in this game. I'm quitting this game until Batui4 gets some sense in his head.

RE: Stewart Hall Academy

OOC: fine i'll quit this if its that much of not fun to you trainer of fury i'm a quit it.When were just joking around
RE: Stewart Hall Academy

ooc: don't mate just tone down your achievemnets. like you came close to winning elite fours came in second at silver cup and barely lost exhibition match to red.
RE: Stewart Hall Academy

OOC: Or only win the Bronze Cup, don't go "Lolz I'm the best trainer in the world and I still go to school"
RE: Stewart Hall Academy

Nana: "God...this place couldn't get more boring. Just look at all this snow."

Chris: "I'm going to go check out the Snowpoint Temple. Anyone wanna come?"

OOC: You guys need to calm down.
RE: Stewart Hall Academy

ooc: so does nana lol

ic: "can i come mate?" Mack suddenly appears by chris.
RE: Stewart Hall Academy

Chris: "Sure. I don't really care. I just want to see if I can get some good information down in my notepad."

Nana: "Are you guys leaving? Fine. I'm going to the Pokemon Center until Serenity gets back. I can't take this cold anymore. At least they have heating."
RE: Stewart Hall Academy

Chris: "K, let's get going."

Chris and Mack go to the Temple, and see a guard.

Guard: "Who are you?"
RE: Stewart Hall Academy

"we are.....the ...maintenance crew...we were called to come help fix up the temple..."
ooc: you decide if this works or not..
RE: Stewart Hall Academy

Guard: "Hmm... Maintenance Crew? Who sent you?"

Chris: "Ummm... Mr. Har-gen-stif-ewitz..?"

Guard: "Mr. Hargenstifewitz never tells me anything anymore. Go on ahead inside."

Chris breathes in a sigh of relief. "Come on, Mack."
RE: Stewart Hall Academy

"Excuse me, I'm part of the Maintenence crew. Mr.Hargenstifewitz sent me with them, may I come in?"
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