Finished Stewart Hall Academy~Check post 3466 to see if you got in!

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RE: Stewart Hall Academy

"Rio, while Beck is using tail whip, charge a quick attack at it!"
Rio charges at Beck with another quick attack.
RE: Stewart Hall Academy

"hmmm.. this isn't there attack guys..and then both of you use growl then keep up the attck barrage!!!"
both cyndaquil and mudkippers get buffeted by the attack.
RE: Stewart Hall Academy

"Gotcha! Bella! Aim a Razor Leaf at Beck!"

Razor Leaves are heading towards Beck.

"Now, Beck! Jump!" Beck jumps so that he avoids the Quick Attack and Razor Leaves, but now Rio is in the way of the Razor Leaves.
RE: Stewart Hall Academy

both mudkippers and cyndaquil.
"well that should faint your gahstly so now all i have to worry about is the duskull."
RE: Stewart Hall Academy

Chris: "Beck! Get in front of Bella so that the Razor Leaves don't get her!

Beck jumps in front of the Razor Leaves, and he faints.

"Oh.. I forgot that he's weak against grass. Anyway, Bella! Use Razor Leaf on Floatsers!"
RE: Stewart Hall Academy

"Floatzers, counter it with Water Gun!"
Floatzers blasts a water gun with the Razor Leaf.
RE: Stewart Hall Academy

"duskull use shadow ball full force"

"that should take care of your cyndyquill."
RE: Stewart Hall Academy

The Water Gun and Razor Leaf hits Bella, and she faints.

"Oh.. gosh... it seems I'm not really the best at Battling. Good battle, Drake."
RE: Stewart Hall Academy

"heh just a one n one... my specialty...Mudkippers do a backflip and shoot a few water guns!!"
RE: Stewart Hall Academy

"Good job guys."
Drake returns them in their Pokeballs.
"Better heal them in the Pokemon Center, you too. Good game."
RE: Stewart Hall Academy

Chris heads down to the nearest poke center.

Nana: "Brr! This place is too cold."
RE: Stewart Hall Academy

"cyndaquil use ember on physkic. then do another ember while spinning to make a shield for the sadowball!!"
Cyndaquil crries out Mack's orders.
RE: Stewart Hall Academy

ooc: that would end up burning and defeating your duskull seeing as mine's spining around in fire...
"keep it up cyndaquil!!!"
RE: Stewart Hall Academy

OOC: Or not because he went threw one of the holes in it and grabed it and used it.

IC: "Now finish Wilow wisp."
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