Finished Stewart Hall Academy~Check post 3466 to see if you got in!

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RE: Stewart Hall Academy

Chris: "Double battle? I am not really sure how to do one of those. But.. I guess I can learn. Bella? Beck? Let's do it."

Beck and Bella get into a fighting stance.
RE: Stewart Hall Academy

"spirit mate i'll fight ya..."
Mack hops off the fearow and throws out his pokemon.
RE: Stewart Hall Academy

"ok let's see...Mudkippers and my cyndaquil should have a type advantage so i'll use first spirit mate."
RE: Stewart Hall Academy

Chris: "A Riolu and Buizel. This'll be fun. Chikorita! Razor Leaf on Floatsers!"

Chikorita suddenly spawned Razor Leaves that began to shoot at Floatsers.
RE: Stewart Hall Academy

"Duskull physic on them both Ghastly use curse on them both." *a curse has been laid on you pokemon*
RE: Stewart Hall Academy

"Floatzers, counter with Sonicboom!"
The Buizel starts shooting Sonic winds at the razor leaves, the attacks colliding.
"Ok! Rio, Force Palm on Beck!"
RE: Stewart Hall Academy

"cyndaquil use ember on gahstly, mudkippers aim a water gun at gahstly also!"

Mack notices the curse inflict some pain on his pokemon.
RE: Stewart Hall Academy

"duskull use physic Ghastly use wilowwisp to counter the attacks."
RE: Stewart Hall Academy

Chris: "Umm.. Oh, ok, hows about this. Beck shoot Bubble at Rio before he gets close to you!"

Beck starts to shoot Bubbles at Rio, but his aim is off, and they hit Bella instead.
RE: Stewart Hall Academy

"Heh...Okay, Rio, Floatzers, quick attack on Bella!"
Riolu and Buizel charges at the Chikorita at a swift pace.
RE: Stewart Hall Academy

Chris: "Oh, boy.. Bella! Use Razor Leaf! Hit them fast!"

Bella shoots Razor Leaf at both pokemon.
RE: Stewart Hall Academy

"hmm again guys but keep them flying from different directions!"
Mudkippers and cyndaquil circle around firing attacks.
RE: Stewart Hall Academy

Rio gets blowed back by the Razor Leaf, but Floatzers dodges the Razor Leaf and keeps charging at the Chikorita.
RE: Stewart Hall Academy

Chris: Bella is hurt... but she gets up.

"Bella! I have an idea! Use Growl!"

Bella growled at Rio and Floatsers.
"Now, Beck! Use Tail Whip!"
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