Finished Stewart Hall Academy~Check post 3466 to see if you got in!

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RE: Stewart Hall Academy

Nana: "Maybe I'd better wake him up."
Nana starts slapping Drake in the face, "Drake! Wake up! We're going to Lavender Town."
RE: Stewart Hall Academy

OOC:I'm back sorry I had to go power went off.

IC:Finally to Lavender town away.
RE: Stewart Hall Academy

Nana: "Ok, we're here, Lavender City! Spirit, go say hello to your parents, and lets get out of here. This place is creepy."
RE: Stewart Hall Academy

ooc: i just read to catch up :p

ic: Mack has been sitting on the fearow watching the clouds.
if only kina was here to see this she would love it..
RE: Stewart Hall Academy

"OK I'm going."

*Rushes to his parent's house*

"Mom Dad can i see my Dusknor and Bantine and my Gengar?'
"Sure here you go."
*goes back to the bird pokemon*

"Ok lets go."
RE: Stewart Hall Academy

OOC: Aren't those Pokemon too powerf- you know what? Forget it, This is the reason why I don't like Batui4 so much, he always God Modes and gets the best things, seriously? Dusknoir? Mantine? Gengar? I don't think you'll need our help.
RE: Stewart Hall Academy

"i wouldn't have wanna have a battle singles? are pokemon haven't had a battle in awhile..."

ooc: lol drake i got a typlosion, swamper, luxray, and garchomp XD.
RE: Stewart Hall Academy

OOC: Ok, fine then, my character will stay asleep for the whole RPG, having a nightmare, since the rest of us will be useless, and you guys will have the "Oh-So Powerful" Pokemon.
RE: Stewart Hall Academy

ooc: lol actually 2 of mine were going to get sick and i was going to send them back home and all of mine suck cuase i evolved them to fast and they don't respond to my orders....but if your going to be asleep i might change that >.>
RE: Stewart Hall Academy

Nana: "Umm.. ok. Those are some cool and powerful pokemon. Next up.. Sunyshore City."

OOC: I don't know if aggiegwyn will be cool with us getting overpowered pokemon. We'll just see what she says
RE: Stewart Hall Academy

OOC: Mine was going to get stolen but if your asleep i may not have that happen and its Bantine not Maintine.
RE: Stewart Hall Academy

OOC: Exactly, you can at least get one not fully evolved version of your Pokemon, like Cyndaquil, Mudkip, Shinx, or Gible. THERE'S NO SUCH THING AS A BANTINE!
RE: Stewart Hall Academy

OOC: OK Fine Bantine is a shupput. Happy?

OOC:The evolved from of shupput duh
RE: Stewart Hall Academy

ooc: aggie already said it was ok... but fine i will change them to mudkip, shinx, gible, cyndaquil, and my already owned beldum....happy mate?

"i hope sunnyshore isn't to cunny i might get burnt..."
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