Finished Stewart Hall Academy~Check post 3466 to see if you got in!

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RE: Stewart Hall Academy

Serenity laughs at how easy it was to get Chris to attack "Flake use powder snow!" While spinning on it's head and using a powder snow attack Flake and Serenity formed a tiny ice tornado sucking in Beck.
RE: Stewart Hall Academy

Nana: The two pokemon are damaged.

"Pikachu! Use Thundershock!" A weak ray of lightning is shot towards Duskull.
RE: Stewart Hall Academy

Serenity waits to see what Chris is gonna do to get Beck out of this one.
RE: Stewart Hall Academy

"Duskull take it hard and counter with nightshade one them both."
RE: Stewart Hall Academy

Chris: "Uh-oh." Chris checks his book again.

"Phew! Serenity! Even you should know that Ice-type moves are not very effective on Water-types! Beck! Try to head for Snorunt with Tackle!"
RE: Stewart Hall Academy

Beck hits Flake on the butt with tackle"I knew it wasn,t tht effective..ok Flake use Headbutt"
RE: Stewart Hall Academy

Chris: Beck appears stunned for a moment.

"Beck! Come on! Try harder! Snap out of it! Use Tail Whip!"

Beck waves his tail in Flakes's face.

Nana: "Eevee, return. It seems like Drake is just standing there."

Nana returns the Eevee. "Ok, Pikachu, get up, and use Thunder Shock. It's the only hope we've got left."

Pikachu fires another Thundershock.
RE: Stewart Hall Academy

After shaking off the Tail Whip With its defense lowered Serenity knew she had to set up a form of defense for Flake "Ok Flake use Double Team!" Whew whew whew Flake multiplied. "Now spin on your head and use powder snow Flake!" It seemed like a million tornados,but only one was real.
RE: Stewart Hall Academy

Nana: "Pikachu! NO!" Pikachu faints.

"Nice battle, Spirit. You should have no problem dealing our problems."
RE: Stewart Hall Academy

"Thanks and once i get my first pokemon I will kill them all with my Dusknor and my Bantine."
RE: Stewart Hall Academy

OOC:Shouldnt you get a different pokemon couse that is like Two of the same pokemon??? Wouldn't make since would it??
RE: Stewart Hall Academy

Chris: "Beck! Look out! You've got to get out of there!!"

Beck looks afraid, but suddenly, he toughens. He takes in a deep breaths, and out, shoot Bubbles!

"Oh! Beck just learned Bubble!"
RE: Stewart Hall Academy

"Our battle is bringing out somthing I havent seen in Chris yet...." Flake got hit with a bubble knocking her down.Serenity takes in a deep breath...and makes Flake return to it's Pokeball.." We need to save some for later Chris we still have to explore the "Harbor"." She walks behind Chris expecting him to follow.
OOc:Chris wins by default. This is kinda ironic I ment to do the forfitting thing but I gtg sorry guys.
RE: Stewart Hall Academy

OOC: I'm still sleeping on the Togekiss.

IC: Drake wakes up from the dream, but can't seem to open his eyes, paralyzed. Trying to open his mouth.
RE: Stewart Hall Academy

Chris: "Hold on, Serenity!" Chris tags alongside Serenity.

"Why did she forfiet the match?" Thought Chris.

Nana: "So, you've already cleared the Elite 4, Spirit?"
RE: Stewart Hall Academy

OOC:eek:k i have time for one more post yay!
Serenity looks at Chris and says.."I want to walk and talk with you Chris...I know youre nervous alot but we will get around that. Oh and just so you know if we had more time I would have totaly Owned you..." She smiles at Chris then looks in the sea.." Chris Look Its a Herd of Lapras!!" Serenity's eyes start to sparkle...
OOC: Barley had time to finish buy guys...:( RpG with ya later :)
RE: Stewart Hall Academy

Chris: "You would have owned me? OK... if you say so," says Chris "The Lapras look beautiful. I have to record this."

Chris takes out a notepad full of words, and writes some more. He looks up and sees Serenity's sparkling eyes. Chris writes down a paragraph.

"I looked up at her white snow face, and, a small glimpse caught my eye. Her eyes started to sparkle. I can only imagine what caused that sparkle. Could it have been my presence. I'll never know. But I only know one thing. The way her eyes sparkle in the rays of the sun caught my attention. And to her, my attention will always be caught, because she is the Snow Angel of my life."

He looks down at the writings, and suddenly starts to feel embarassed. He rips out the paper and stuffs it into his pocket.
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