Finished Stewart Hall Academy~Check post 3466 to see if you got in!

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RE: Stewart Hall Academy

"Well since were already in Johto....Nana where to next??"

Edit: Sorry i meant to put Johto.
RE: Stewart Hall Academy

Nana: "Ok, here's how it's going to go down. Since Olivine is closest, we're heading there. Then, we'll head to Lavender Town. Then, we'll go to Sunyshore, and finally, Snowpoint City."
RE: Stewart Hall Academy

Nana: "Ok, we're here! Olivine City! Go see your parents. We need to go to Lavender Town, soon."
RE: Stewart Hall Academy

"Hey Chris do you want to take a walk while they go get there pokemon and such??"
OOC:Since Shampoothief is offline
RE: Stewart Hall Academy

Chris: "Sure. My parents said there's a sea by the harbor. We can go relax there. Come on, Bella and Beck."
RE: Stewart Hall Academy

Serenity looks at at Chris and whispers in his ear "I'll be gental.." She takes a few steps infront of Chris and begins walking backwards to look him in the face "So were is this "Harbor"??"
RE: Stewart Hall Academy

Chris starts to sweat and starts to freak out.

His stomach starts to churl.

"Excuse me, one moment." He walks into the nearest gas station and runs into the bathroom.

He comes out, and says, "Just father up!" In a squeaky voice.

Nana: "Stop goofing off! We need to be able to find Kina. Come on, let's have a battle."
RE: Stewart Hall Academy

Sereinty walks up to the Harbor and sends out her Snorunt she named Flakes....She smiles at Chris..Then her expression turns piericing.." Are you...Ready for This??"
RE: Stewart Hall Academy

Chris: "Yeah, you bet!" says Chris in his high voice. "Come on, Beck."
Beck walks up in front of Chris.

Nana: "Eevee! Pikachu! Come on out!"
An Eevee and Pikachu are sent out.

OOC: @aggiegwyn: I gave the Nana a Pikachu momentarily. I hope this is ok.
RE: Stewart Hall Academy

"Flake get on your head and spin like a top! "
OOC: this is not rapid spin its a style she picked up while training ice types.
RE: Stewart Hall Academy

Chris: "Beck! Use Tackle, now!"

Beck charges at Flakes.

Nana: "Duskull, nice choice. What about you, Drake?"
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