Finished Stewart Hall Academy~Check post 3466 to see if you got in!

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RE: Stewart Hall Academy

"Yea I have nanas beat the kanto and johto and the sliver cup.and I'm also knowen as the masked trainer as a count i always wear a mask when i battle."
RE: Stewart Hall Academy

Nana: "Really? Then why did you sign up for Pokemon Battling 101?"
RE: Stewart Hall Academy

"Help..." Drake thought in his mind, he felt a pressure on his chest, as if it was a sharp, stab with a knife. He tried to scream, but couldn't open his mouth.
RE: Stewart Hall Academy

Nana: Suddenly, Nana felt a disturbance.

"Drake? Drake? Are you ok? Wake up!"
RE: Stewart Hall Academy

"I had to pick 3 and decided I might as well plus it was this is Japanese."
RE: Stewart Hall Academy

OoC: Sorry for being offline at my city

IC: *Roan runs off to his house to see his family. He knocks on the door and his sister answers. She him and his mom starting hugging and talking and whatnot. His mom tells him that his dad is on a job that is taking him to Vermillion City (He's a sailor). Roan then tells them all about the adventure he is going on to save Kina. His mom shows concert but realizes "he is growing up and is ready for this" She hands him a pokeball and tells him that they were going to save it as a birthday gift, but decided this would be a good time. He sent it out and it was a Shellder. It gives him a big lick and looks happy. His mom tells him his dad caught it on a trip. He says thanks, but tells them he has to leave, then goes and meets back up with the group*

OoC: Whew, sorry for the wall, we can move on whenever you guys are ready now
RE: Stewart Hall Academy

OOC: You can't control the Nanas, Boddy.

IC: Drake couldn't even hear, he woke up in some kind of different world, he was in a coma. Forgetting everything about the school, about Pokemon.
RE: Stewart Hall Academy

OOC:Agiee put him in charge while she was gone.Also I'm off peace out
RE: Stewart Hall Academy

aggiegwyn said:
Yah, I know. I always get compliments like that. Well, I have to go. I'm going to put Boddy903 in charge while I'm gone. (I don't want to waste so many active players....)
This means he is in charge of Nana, her pokemon and all NPC's. see yah!

She put me in charge of the Nana's and such until she came back. :)
RE: Stewart Hall Academy

OOC: Ooohh Ok ok.

IC: Drake looks around at the snowy, mountain filled island...he finds the Men in Black, attacking him again.
RE: Stewart Hall Academy

Nana: "I think he's having some sort of spazic nightmare. It'd be better if we wait for it to pass. If it gets to bad, I'll have to shock him out of it."
RE: Stewart Hall Academy

Serenity and Chris are walking alone the beach watching the Lapras.."Chris I think we should head back....if you want that is.."
RE: Stewart Hall Academy

Chris: "Yeah... I guess so..." Chris started to head back with Serenity... and he looked back as the waves lapped each other.

"I still say I what've won."
RE: Stewart Hall Academy

"Have you ever battled a Coordinater before would have totaly lost..."
RE: Stewart Hall Academy

Chris: "Coordinators? They don't battle. They just use flashy moves. Kina like what you did with Flakes."
RE: Stewart Hall Academy

"I never said I was a coordinater I just steal some of there moves....Oh yeah and Coordinaters do battle silly....and good coordinaters are realy good at it...I would still kick your but though....Hey there is Nana."
Serenity looks at Nana"So where to next...Oh gosh whats wrong with drake..?!"
RE: Stewart Hall Academy

Nana: "He's having a disturbing nightmare. We're still deciding whether we should just head off anyway."

Chris: "A nightmare? Then, why don't we wake him up?"
RE: Stewart Hall Academy

"Well if he is just sleeping isnt that ok...everyone has a nightmare...If we do go where are we going to next....Oh Drake I hope youre ok..?"
RE: Stewart Hall Academy

Nana: "He'll probably wake up on the way there. Next stop is Lavender Town. Hop on."

Chris: Chris gets on the Togekiss.
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