Finished Stewart Hall Academy~Check post 3466 to see if you got in!

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RE: Stewart Hall Academy

Serenity tells Nana witch way she saw Drake...."OK Nana this is the way to Drake..I hope he is still ok."
OOC: What is a fic??
RE: Stewart Hall Academy

OOC: Thought that was what it was and yes it's very....(pulling me inside to wear i want to read more....lots more lol) Good.
IC: Serenity looks around(if that was Nana speaking)no one was there....
RE: Stewart Hall Academy

"Candance shes the gym leader here why would the men in black want her?"
RE: Stewart Hall Academy

"I-i-i don't know...m-m-my name is Chrissy. C-c-can you help me?"

"I don't think theres anything left to do. They're already gone. We need to check your grandmas house!"
RE: Stewart Hall Academy

"Why would they be at my Grannys house??!! and if so we need to leave NOW!!"
RE: Stewart Hall Academy

OoC: I'm guessing we are done in the temple?

IC: Roan gave up looking for Drake and hoped that he found his way out already and was with the group, so he decides to leave aswell
RE: Stewart Hall Academy

Serenity runs to her grannys house not looking if Nana is following her..She only cares about getting to her grandmas house.....SHe kicks the door open "GRANNY!!"
RE: Stewart Hall Academy

Drake, all alone in Snowpoint Temple, with his legs paralyzed and numb, and sad.
"Well.Looks like this is the end. Goodbye world..."
RE: Stewart Hall Academy

The house is completely empty. There is no sign of any struggle. You see 3 pokeballs in the corner of the front room.
"I-i'm so sorry Serenity..."
RE: Stewart Hall Academy

*Roan runs past Drake on his way out*
"Drake! There you are! Oh, gross! Your legs! Ill help you out of here, come on""
*Helps Drake up and holds him up as the limp out of the temple*
RE: Stewart Hall Academy

Serentiy falls down to her knees "Gran...GR....Granny!!!...(cries)"
She looks at Nana"Go get Drake out of the temple..." She picks up the pokeballs..."These are all I have left..."
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