Finished Stewart Hall Academy~Check post 3466 to see if you got in!

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RE: Stewart Hall Academy

" lure us in I mean You can split into 7 people they would have good use for you...."
RE: Stewart Hall Academy

"I'm not sure wat to do right now kids. But for the moment, please just rest."
RE: Stewart Hall Academy

Chris sat in the Infirmary, dazed.

Suddenly, he is jolted awake.

"Huh? What happened!?"

He looks up and sees Serenity and Nana.
RE: Stewart Hall Academy

OOC:Batpee1 for the thing about red i put its true on my pokemon blue game i was called blue and my rival was called red so thats where i got it from.
RE: Stewart Hall Academy

OOC: We was at the Deans office lol
IC: Serenity starts walking twards the infirmiry
RE: Stewart Hall Academy

Chris, you in the infirmary, we are in the Deans office, so me and Ice_Master are not there.

"Whats wrong Mack?"
RE: Stewart Hall Academy

OOC: Whoops, my bad.

IC: Chris looks around the infirmary, and sees nobody.

"Well.. I feel better now, I'd better head back to the Dean's Office. They might be worried about me."
RE: Stewart Hall Academy

"No. I am not. My grandaughter is missing. She is missing just like how her mother died. I was careless. I shouldn't have let her go around so ungaurded. Our family has to much danger invested in it to that. I've lost the only key to my family outside of the tribe. It was all of my fault."
RE: Stewart Hall Academy

"no sir it was my fualt i shoulda reacted faster...but i promise you sir...if i have to go around the world and back i will save your daughter...."
RE: Stewart Hall Academy

batpee1 said:
"no sir it was my fualt i shoulda reacted faster...but i promise you sir...if i have to go around the world and back i will save your daughter...."

your becoming a grammar baka...-_-'

"As I would do the same. Please get some rest before you do though."
RE: Stewart Hall Academy

ooc: maybe i was playing the part on purpose cuase he would be angry and talk fast :O

"yes, sir. Mack leaves the door and heads to his dorm."
RE: Stewart Hall Academy

Serenity runs into chris on his way back form the infirmiry....(If i mysteriously leave srry i might have to go but dont know when...)
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