Finished Stewart Hall Academy~Check post 3466 to see if you got in!

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RE: Stewart Hall Academy

"Okay, what now?" Drake says, bags under his eyes, he falls asleep, his whole face in his Cereal Bowl, filled with Frosted Flakes.
RE: Stewart Hall Academy

ooc: ik it's great isn't it!

"ya what was that pokin-."
RE: Stewart Hall Academy

"You guys aren't physically fit enough to travel the regions. We are going to work out for a bit."
RE: Stewart Hall Academy

"Not crazy dream man again "

*goes to the cafeteria and gets breakfast *
RE: Stewart Hall Academy

"ya! nice and fatening but i work it off in no time!"
RE: Stewart Hall Academy

"You need to work it out now, before it hits your intestines. 20 laps around the cafeteria!"
RE: Stewart Hall Academy

"im not running aorund the cafeteria like an idiot with all these thousands of students in here!"
RE: Stewart Hall Academy

Drake runs away as fast as he can from Nana.
RE: Stewart Hall Academy

Chris gets up, and looks at the clock.

He jolts awake.

"Aaahh!! I think I might have missed breakfast!"
He runs into the shower. He gets out.

"Oh, right, my pokemon." Chris takes out his pokemon, and they run to the cafeteria.
RE: Stewart Hall Academy

Chris looks for his friends, and sees that they are all standing in one place. He goes over to them.

"Hey guys. Did I miss breakfast?"
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