Finished Stewart Hall Academy~Check post 3466 to see if you got in!

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RE: Stewart Hall Academy

OoC: Sorry for the double post, Aggie, but I'll be gone until friday (visiting gparents, they dont have a computer). So either control me, or I'll just follow the group silently lol
RE: Stewart Hall Academy

Serenity walks back into her dorm after eating breakfeast and washes up for a Nana style work out..."Wonder if my Martial Arts will help me...prolly not." she then walks back out, goin back to the cafitieria to be with everyone else...
RE: Stewart Hall Academy

shampoothief Don't worry, I'll take care of your character! Have fun with your grandparents!

Kaiserchu The Dean decided after Kina was captured to let us go on a journey to find her. We went to everyone's town, picked up some (more) advanced pokemon, and at the last stop, Serenity's town, we realized that everyone was missing. Only one person was there, which was Candice's(the Snowpoint Gym Leader's) little sister. After asking some questions, she dissolved into dust. We came back to tell the Dean about Snowpoint.

The Dean decided that we should stay at Stewart Hall for a few days to get some rest. The next morning, Nana started training the team so they would be physically adeqete for traveling around the world.

That was pretty much what happened.

IC:"No. But you better eat some quick, the others are freshining up for the workout they are going to have today!"
RE: Stewart Hall Academy

Lupus woke up and walked into where the others were, "What's going on?" he asked, yawning...
RE: Stewart Hall Academy

"They're going to go work out? Wait... since when does one 'freshen up' to work out?"

Chris asked while eating his pancakes.
RE: Stewart Hall Academy

"I don't know, just let her do her thing! And, hey Lupis, we are going to need to stop by your town to get some pokemon for yah, but after that we are going to split into teams."

Here is my idea for Teams:

Team Johnto
Serenity+Chris+Normal Nana

Team Kanto
Roan+Lupis+Angry Nana

Team Hoenn
Mack+ Shane/Smart Nana(since charidude hasn't been active lately...)+Hyper Nana

Team Sinnoh
Drake+Calm Nana+Sad Nana

Flirtatious Nana can be left behind. ^_^'
RE: Stewart Hall Academy

"My home? I'm not sure...", Lupus looked away, "...I can't stand to face mom..."
Realising he spoke aloud, he quickly changed the subject, "M-My parents are on holiday, I'll just get one off the grounds...Yeah..."
RE: Stewart Hall Academy

"You don't even need to talk to your mom, I'll take care of it. But first, everybody, give me 20 laps!"

Do you guys agree with the Team system?
RE: Stewart Hall Academy

(It's good, but why am I in team Kanto? Not like I care...)
Lupus sighed, She wont give her anything if she knows that it's for me...
RE: Stewart Hall Academy

"Do you want me to go work out too?" said Chris as he took his last bite of pancake.
RE: Stewart Hall Academy

(ya i like hoenn except im stuck with to sides of aggies crazy head -.- also i won't be on much today till later becuase i have a tennis tourney so aggie can control me and her to parts of the same skull ^.~)
RE: Stewart Hall Academy

I don't know, I wasn't really focusing on that too much...

batpee1 Cool Banner!

RE: Stewart Hall Academy

butui4 Look at post 2264, please.

"Yes, don't you guys want to be able to find Kina easier?"
RE: Stewart Hall Academy

Chris walks down to the gymnasium with his pokemon.

He walks in, and finds weights of all assorted kinds.

"Well... I guess I should start at the Bench Press."
RE: Stewart Hall Academy

"Yes, while they work out, Angry Nana is going to take you to your home with my Fearow."
"Come on! Let's go!"
RE: Stewart Hall Academy

Chris looks at the bars.

"Hmm.. there's a thirty pound bar, and a 45 pound bar. I guess I could probably add two 2.5 pounds to make it 50 pounds."

Chris applies the weights, and lays back in the Bench Press.

"1! 2! 3...!"
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