Finished Stewart Hall Academy~Check post 3466 to see if you got in!

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RE: Stewart Hall Academy

"Hmm I'll start off with the treadmil.l"

*Sets speed on 10*

"Hmph this is to easy."
RE: Stewart Hall Academy

"4!!! FIVE!!!! SIX!!!"

Chris puts the weight back.

"Whoo, that was good, maybe I could try adding more weights."

Chris takes off the 2.5 weights, and addes 5 pound weights to each side. "That comes out to... 55 pounds."

Chris lies back again.

"One, TWO! THREEE!!"

Chris starts to faulter, "Gnnn four! Five!" He puts the weight at rest.
RE: Stewart Hall Academy

"Spirit, you should set the speed at least a 20! Chris, don't try and push yourself to hard!"
*Starts doing pushups, with NO HANDS!*
RE: Stewart Hall Academy

Chris sits up, "Push ups? With no hands? How would that even work?" said Chris. He was starting to get red from the workout.
RE: Stewart Hall Academy

"Yah, that will be fine. Oh, you mean my pushups? We'll you know, it's not I was born with special abilities! You have to be extremely fit to earn those powers!"
RE: Stewart Hall Academy

"Yeah, but... I still don't get how you do pushups with no hands. Then, you woudn't go up. Anyway, I'm going to try the Squats."

Chris gets up over to the Squats station, and puts on 70 pounds.

"Ok, let's try this."

Chris puts the bar on his shoulder, then does 8 squats.

"Hmm, that wasn't so bad."
RE: Stewart Hall Academy

"No! You don't have to work as hard as I do, Drake! I only do this so that I can keep my powers!"
RE: Stewart Hall Academy

*goes over to the bench press*

"hmm i'll do 55Lbs"

*Starts to lift them*
"One...Two...Three...Four...Five...Six...Seven...Eight...Nine...Ten Whew that's enough of that."
RE: Stewart Hall Academy

Chris goes to the Rowing Machine.

He sits, down, and starts.

"This little exercise should be able to cool me down before I go back to the weights."
RE: Stewart Hall Academy

"I'll do 50lbs."
*5 minutes later*
"Fifteen...Sixteen...Seventeen...OOF! My arms hurt."
RE: Stewart Hall Academy

"If you do less weight, then you can do it longer and try out your endurance! Drake, why don't you take a break and try some sit-ups!"
RE: Stewart Hall Academy

"Sit-ups are so easy."
Drake starts to do several sit-ups, and at about 50, he takes a break.
"Whew. I need water. Where's the vending machine?"
RE: Stewart Hall Academy

*throws him a water*
"The vending machine is a spending machine! You need to keep your money in handy for our travelling."
RE: Stewart Hall Academy

"Okay, okay."
Drake drinks 1/4 of the water and puts the rest in his backpack.
"Hmm...I'll do jumping jacks."
RE: Stewart Hall Academy

"Fine I'll do 45LBS 100 times"
*sits down and starts*
*ten minuets later*
"ninety-nine one hundred"
"whew I need some water"
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