Finished Stewart Hall Academy~Check post 3466 to see if you got in!

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RE: Stewart Hall Academy

aggiegwyn said:
Since aggiegwyn is total awesomest person ever!

(It's true. I saw it on wikipedia lol.)

*Shane was wondering the campus.*
"Everyone's gone to their hometown but me.... But it's not like I could. I'm not sure I even have a hometown. Never lived in one place too long..."
RE: Stewart Hall Academy

Lupus sighed, "I can't control myself in Absol form...I killed many...Including my dad..."
RE: Stewart Hall Academy

"No...I turn into 'The Wolf' at midnight, every night...", Lupus looked at Mad Nana, "...Can you promise two things for me?"
RE: Stewart Hall Academy

"Promise me you'll not tell anyone...And if I threaten you as 'The Wolf'...Don't hesitate to kill me..."
RE: Stewart Hall Academy

"Oh me? Well I don't really have any pokemon waiting at any town let alone whichever town was my hometown, so no. But could I just borrow one from.... Prof. Ketchum?"
RE: Stewart Hall Academy

" Your kidding, right?"
"Sure. I'll show you the way. It's not like I had more important things to do. By the way, I'm Sad Nana."
RE: Stewart Hall Academy

OOC: We're at the school, and we're not really doing anything except working out... but Nana found out that the weirdly named Lupus is part wolf.
RE: Stewart Hall Academy

Boddy903 said:
OOC: We're at the school, and we're not really doing anything except working out... but Nana found out that the weirdly named Lupus is part wolf.

part-absol, actually.

RE: Stewart Hall Academy

OOC:Guys if im not on alot in the weekdays it because my school started today im in the 9th grade lol so sorry if i cant get on as much as i would like....(cries)lol
RE: Stewart Hall Academy

Yah, I understand that school will be an issue, but it's not like we can play hooky, yah know?
RE: Stewart Hall Academy

OoC: You guys already have school? Ha.

IC: Chris goes down to the Garden Gazebo, and sends out his pokemon.

"Ok, time to do a little aim testing. Beck, try to hit Bella with Bubble. Bella, do all you can to dodge."
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