Finished Stewart Hall Academy~Check post 3466 to see if you got in!

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RE: Stewart Hall Academy

Kina will have her moments, but she will never entirely come back for awhile. Just wait and see! ;)

"They are in the cafeteria waiting to go. Come on."
*starts walking towards the cafeteria*
RE: Stewart Hall Academy

*Roan walks to the cafeteria and sees some people gathered in tthere and joins them*
"Hey guys, are we leaving soon?"
RE: Stewart Hall Academy

"Got it."
*Shane follows her to the cafeteria.*

(Do we need to wait or can we just go?)
RE: Stewart Hall Academy

OoC: You'd better >:|
lol, jk. Take your time.

IC: *As Roan is walking to the group, he trips over his feet and falls*
"I hope no one saw that" He whispered as he slowly got back up.
RE: Stewart Hall Academy

*Drops off Roan Lupis and Angry Nana at Pallet Town*
*Drops off Mack, Shane and Smart Nana at Littleroot*
*Drops off Drake, Spirit, and Sad Nana at Twinleaf*
*Stops at New Bark town with Serenity and Chris*

"Okay, It's almost midnight. I'm going to the little inn over there and going to sleep. You guys can hang out if you want, but I will be going to sleep. Just stay in town, K?"
"You wanna sleep or travel?"
"Ah...Hoenn, my favorite region. I will be stopping by my old friend, the Proffesor, if I may."
"I think I'm going to bed..."

RE: Stewart Hall Academy

"Ok, thanks."

Chris looks at Serenity.

"You want to talk, or you want to go to bed, because it's pretty late."
RE: Stewart Hall Academy

"I don't know about you drake but I'm going to bed peace."

OOC:Guess what show my super cool avay is from.
RE: Stewart Hall Academy

"Well I'm not tired, so I can travel up to Viridian. It isn't too far"
*Roan shifted his weight, avoiding eye contact with Angry Nana, in case she found his comment offesive somehow*
RE: Stewart Hall Academy

"I can't let you roam on your own. Normal Nana's orders!"
...grumbe grumble...huge background I have to read from charidude....brothers....grumble grumble...
RE: Stewart Hall Academy

Really, you need to pause for that????

"Hmm, I might as well start to get to know Scyther so..."
*Shane lets out his Scyther.*
"Let's go to Fortree Scyther... I know it's far away but we can search on the way."
*Shane and Scyther run off towards Fortree, Scyther cutting their way through the trees.*
RE: Stewart Hall Academy

"I think I want to go to bed we have alot to do tomarrow *Yawn* well night Chris."
RE: Stewart Hall Academy

charidude said:
Really, you need to pause for that????

ANND I had to have dinner. I didn't even get to your background, because my eyes kept twitching away from the page!!! Space between paragraphs, maybe???

"Ugh. Fine, Lupis, are you tired?"
*looks around*
"Wai-oh, I mean, yah...we need to go to sleep."
RE: Stewart Hall Academy

Lupus nearly got out of the building when he tripped, it was to late...
The transformation began...

*Crack* *Click* *Snap*
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