Finished Stewart Hall Academy~Check post 3466 to see if you got in!

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RE: Stewart Hall Academy

"I take that as a yes Drake lets go."

*starts to go on the sandgem town*
RE: Stewart Hall Academy

Snarling can be heard outside, it got louder as the beast approached the building...
RE: Stewart Hall Academy

*Shane moved quickly through the forests as he came into a clearing.*
"Where are we Scyther?"
*Looks at his map.*
"Ah, we are between Fortree and Lilycove. Let's head up-"
*He was stopped by a glowing light from a cave near them.*
"What is that?..."

(The registeel cave for all of you that do not know.)
RE: Stewart Hall Academy

A large black Absol pounced infront of Mad Nana, lime eyes filled with mindless rage...
RE: Stewart Hall Academy

charidude said:
*Shane moved quickly through the forests as he came into a clearing.*
"Where are we Scyther?"
*Looks at his map.*
"Ah, we are between Fortree and Lilycove. Let's head up-"
*He was stopped by a glowing light from a cave near them.*
"What is that?..."

(The registeel cave for all of you that do not know.)

Dude. It's like 7:00AM, were just getting up.

"Ook, okay..."
*Brings out a short sword*
RE: Stewart Hall Academy

OOC:Shane how'd you get from littleroot to in between fortree and the other city in one night
RE: Stewart Hall Academy

Oh really? Only 7? Whoops. Also batui, I cut right through trees so I didn't have to go everywhere else. But if I have to I'll go back. I'm just kind of bored and there's not much to do, because I'm no where near anyone! Smart Nana's sleeping, and Mack is gone. So what should I do????
RE: Stewart Hall Academy

*wakes up to see Shane gone*
"Please don't tell me the fool went off on his own..."
*walks outside*

*Gets a slash on the face*
"Oh...IT'S ON!!!"

*Flashes under the absol and throws him on the ground*
RE: Stewart Hall Academy

The Absol lands on his feet and roars a challange at Mad Nana, Unleashing a Dark Pulse...
RE: Stewart Hall Academy

"We should probably get back before anyone gets worried."
"Scyther, lead the way."
*Scyther cuts down a tree but it falls on top of Shane knocking him out.*

RE: Stewart Hall Academy

*Gets another cut*
"That all you got?"

"Oh...Scyther, it's okay, I got it. I'll carry him to Mr. Birch's house..."
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