Finished Stewart Hall Academy~Check post 3466 to see if you got in!

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RE: Stewart Hall Academy

"You're welcome! I'll just be over here, not getting myself killed. Give me a holler if you need me!"
RE: Stewart Hall Academy

"You know what, I think I'll help you... You are scarier then Lupus"
*Dashes out of the bush to help Nana*
RE: Stewart Hall Academy

Hey, could I help write it? (the story) I haven't been writing anything so I could give it a go right now. Also, I have tried to write a role play before and you do need to tweak it. A LOT! Because there is just way too much dialouge and people are gone from time to time.

*Shane starts to stir.*
"Aww man... what happened Scyther?"
RE: Stewart Hall Academy

yah, I will make sure to post my ideas to you guys before I post it. Then we can do the tweaking, and it'll all work out. But, I have school starting in 9 days. I would enjoy if I could go through that first...tough week before actually writing the story. Also, Volt and Follow will be going on. And who knows how much homework I'm getting in Honor's this year...

"Okay...that was clever..."
*Stands back up trembling*

"Good afternoon, Indiana Jones. Your Scyther is fine. He's outside playing with the other pokemon. Did you have a nice adventure?"

RE: Stewart Hall Academy

"Umm I think.... I saw this weird cave thing..."

Oh... so a whole school year? I don't start for another month =)
RE: Stewart Hall Academy

I'll probably work on it in around two weeks, basically.


"Okay, but next time, please don't venture off on your own. Normal Nana would have me sucked in her body forever if I told her what you did."

RE: Stewart Hall Academy

"Suck you into her body?... Never mind. Okay, hey, do we have any clues to go off of here?"
RE: Stewart Hall Academy

just delete your post instead. :/

"What do you mean? All we need to complete is a scan of all of the area in Hoenn for the men in black. Once we finsh off the Hoenn region, we can move on. We shouldn't have ourselves based on two clues that didn't state anything of utter importance."
"Oh, we just need to head to the next town, I forgot what the name was though...anyways, we just need to follow the trail to the next town until we get there, which should take us about 2-4 hours."
Angry Nana sends out Eevee to help slow Lupis down.

-Okay, from now on, you are not to post actions by typing in "*...*" and putting the action played within them.
You can, instead post like this.
"She picked up the staff in hopes to defend herself."
-Also, post need to be more than one line long. Three lines, preferably.
I don't want to hear, "I can't do that!" "How???" "R u CRAAAAAZY???"
Because let me tell you, it's pretty simple.
Instead of "Cubone uses Bone Rush."
It could be "Cubone picked up his weapon off the ground, and threw it in hopes to finally finish his enemy. He grinned as the bone hit his opponent, and spun it's way back to him.
-Please know that I am doing this so that this RPG won't be considered spam and be locked.
RE: Stewart Hall Academy

The Absol turned around, picking up the scent of the Eevee. The Absol snarled at Mad Nana and her Eevee, his lime eyes staring at the two...
Absol roared and unleashed a mighty Dark Pulse at the two...
RE: Stewart Hall Academy

"Right... so where should we head first. I mean, we have 3 people maybe we should split up and get this done faster?" Shane painfully remembers the tree falling on him. "On second thought, there's safety in numbers..."
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