Finished Stewart Hall Academy~Check post 3466 to see if you got in!

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RE: Stewart Hall Academy

While Lupus had his back turned on Roan, Cubone, and Shellder, Roan ordered them to attack. Shellder launched 5 icicles at the Absol and Cubone tossed his club.
"I've got your back, Mad Nana!" Roan yelled
RE: Stewart Hall Academy

She catches one of the icicles that went of to the side, and uses it to slide under Lupis. She grabs his neck as she flying under him and flips over. In a way such as to land on his back. She uls his neck back to block the attack.
"Eevee, I'm going to need you to use a Tackle or two, okay?"

"We are not allowed to seperate. If anyone is alone, then how are we supposed to defend ourselves against the huge force we are up against? Also, if you are completely healed now, I think it's about time we headed for Oldale."

I should be back pretty soon though.
RE: Stewart Hall Academy

Chris gets up, and walks around for a bit outside. He walks around, and sees Prof. Elm's lab.

"Hey, it's Prof. Elm! I wonder if he'd like to see me again!"

OoC: Is it ok if I get a new pokemon from Elm? I only have two right now.
RE: Stewart Hall Academy

Roan stood in shock at the move Nana just pulled off on the Absol
"How long until the sun rises, Nana? He should turn back to normal Lupus again by then, so we just need to hold him!"
RE: Stewart Hall Academy

Yes, that should be fine. PM me which pokemon you would like and then I will basically make it better or worse, just depending.

"It should be dawn any moment now!!!"
She holds th pokemon's neck in the air, and gives a sigh of relief as the sun appears.

"Prof Elm? Yah, we should probably check if he has heard of the men in Black..."
She gets up and starts walking besides Chris.
"Are you going to see Professor Elm with us, Serenity?"
RE: Stewart Hall Academy

Hey boddy, I only have 1, don't complain >=/

"Right. Let's go." Shane turns and shouts to get his Scyther's attention ",Come on Scyther!"
RE: Stewart Hall Academy

You got a Scyther.

"Good. Now, let's not excavange through the trees like you did. We are going to act likes civilized human beings and actually use the trail."
RE: Stewart Hall Academy

Yeah.... I guess that's fair then... =)

"Right good idea...."

I'm really drawing a blank here on what to do. Mad Nana group has the whole Absol/Lupus thing going, Chris and Serenity have each other to build /fix that relationship, I think it's Kanto... isn't doing anything anyway... and Mack is on vaca. SO... what do I do????
RE: Stewart Hall Academy

Satisfy your undying love for Zyflair???
Well, heading to Oldale seem's like the plan. We are, of course going to run into some pokemon, so you know, go with the flo, yah know?
Also, you could get busy PM'ing me those ideas for the story, if you have any.

"Good. Now that you are in adequete health, we can wake up Mack. Please come along."
She starts walking down the hallway, and opens a door quietly. She motions for you to come forward in front of the door.
RE: Stewart Hall Academy

For Zyflair? I thought he was a guy. >=[

Shane walks out and looks around. "Well, here we go!"

And I will, In just a bit.
RE: Stewart Hall Academy


"Now, I need to you to try and pinch his stomach. It was cause a surprising effect."
RE: Stewart Hall Academy

"Fine, but I thought a person that hates Mack as much as you would enjoy the experience that I am about to convey."
Smart Nana slowly starts walking towards Mack's sleeping body.
RE: Stewart Hall Academy

"Trust me. I hate even looking at him, let alone his belly."
Stands and watches Smart Nana.
RE: Stewart Hall Academy

She walks up pinches Mack's belly, causing him to jump off the bed in a spasm and fart at the same time.
Mack:"What are you DOING???!!!"
"We need to rise."
I told you the results would be priceless...

RE: Stewart Hall Academy

You can control Mack?
Shane started to laugh.
"Wow, you're right, that was priceless!"
RE: Stewart Hall Academy

"Thank Arceus thats over" Roan said as Lupus starts to turn back. "But now, I'm exausted"
Roan yawns and rubs his eyes
RE: Stewart Hall Academy

Yes. He gave me permission to control his character as he was gone.

"Bloody heck! What did you do that for?!"
"I tried to let you. Anyways, sorry Mack, but it is time to start our travelling. Please get out of bed. Also you should get dressed, for that matter."
RE: Stewart Hall Academy

Well, all that is really important to you right now is that Normal Nana, Chris, and Serenity(If you choose her to) are going to see Professor Elm. Chances are that Chris is going to get a new pokemon.(or two)

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