Finished Stewart Hall Academy~Check post 3466 to see if you got in!

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RE: Stewart Hall Academy

"So Nana are we there yet?"Thinking to him self this is taking to long I might as well go off on my own I mean I will be able to do it by my self.
RE: Stewart Hall Academy

"No kidding. Lupus! Are you done already???!!!"
Angry Nana paces the lawn, waiting for him to be done.

When entering thought after your chacracter says something, generally it should be done like this:
"What do we do now??" He said as he slumped on the floor.
I thought that this was going to be easy...
RE: Stewart Hall Academy

"No! That seems unnatural! I can't strip away that beauty of an egg hatching naturally! I'll carry it with me!"

Chris snatches back the Egg, and takes out a scarf. In a few minutes, he's made a small cradle for the egg over his shoulder.
RE: Stewart Hall Academy

Thinking to him self I'm going to do it I'm going off on my own."Nana I'm leaving I'm going to find her on my own peace."Spirit runs off away from them.
RE: Stewart Hall Academy

"Okay then. So, these...creatures. You said they were like Dittos. How?"
"After trying to fight them off, the would sludge to the ground, but bubble back up again."

Please read my past posts. They have been edited for your character's better good.

"That'll do. Let's go."
RE: Stewart Hall Academy

"Well... it was weird, I assumed they were men, but..."

Chris cradled the Egg.

"They attacked our school as if it was something they were told to do. Oh, wait! The notes! Nana, do you have them?"
RE: Stewart Hall Academy

"Where am I."Checks his map. "It says I'm at sandgem town and jubalife is right above me away to there."
RE: Stewart Hall Academy

Lupus looked baffled, he looked up and asked Mad Nana, "What's wrong with your shirt?"
RE: Stewart Hall Academy


"That's insane! I have never heard of such a thing! Did they get caught?"
"We wouldn't be here if they were."

"The shirt I am wearing, or the shirt you are wearing?"
RE: Stewart Hall Academy

"No, we're just starting to look. They kidnapped our friend, Kina."
RE: Stewart Hall Academy

OOC:I had already posted it after you edited your post.No need to get mad.
RE: Stewart Hall Academy

It's not that. You should know better than have your character go off on his own. That's like trying to play Monopoly all by yourself. It doesn't make sense.

"Poor Kina. Did Kiechii send you?"
"Yah, he said that asking you might help, but maybe they havn't hit Johto yet.."
RE: Stewart Hall Academy

"Kiechii? Who's that?" said Chris.

He looked down at the egg, "It's barely moving."
RE: Stewart Hall Academy

"Keichii is my Uncle's name. He's the Dean. He and the Prof. use go off traveling together when they were kids."
"Nana, I promise to look out for those creatures, and I will call you as soon as I can. Do you need anything else?"
RE: Stewart Hall Academy

"I don't think so, Prof. Elm. Thanks for the help."

"Nana, are we ready to go to Route 29?"
RE: Stewart Hall Academy

"Indeed I suppose it is. Now we really should get going shouldn't we? But then again maybe we should go see the Prof? Ask him if he's heard of anything?"
RE: Stewart Hall Academy

Then have fun being kicked out of this RPG.

"Yes, I guess so."
Normal Nana picks up the notes and puts them in her pocket.
What is stopping them from morphing into our friends?

"Oh, come on, just deal with it till we get to the city, okay?"
Angry Nana starts to head for the trail.

"Okay, now that you concious, let's go."
Mack scrambles out of the room with clothes on.
"Hey, thanks for waiting for me guys..."
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