Finished Stewart Hall Academy~Check post 3466 to see if you got in!

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RE: Stewart Hall Academy

"Okay, now I don't want to deal with wild pokemon. Each of you need to take one of these."
She hands them each a Max Repel
RE: Stewart Hall Academy

Chris heads out to Route 29.

"I don't think I have Togepi in a very safe way. I have a better idea."

Chris went out in the grass, pulled out lots of it, and in 10 minutes, he created a small satchel for Togepi.

"There, that ought to be good."
RE: Stewart Hall Academy

Mack heads in rage and starts to try to punch Shane, but is stopped by a hand.
"I apologize for the joke we played. Now, we need to be team. My actions caused division, and for that, I am sorry."

"Nice, let's head out guys."

Sprays the Max Repel on herself, then on Roan and starts walking the grass.
"Yah, we should be fine."
RE: Stewart Hall Academy

Chris walks along Route 29, and sees Sentrets, Pidgey's and Rattata's everywhere.

"Oh, I wish I had brought a poke ball." said Chris.
RE: Stewart Hall Academy

"Here." Normal Nana states as she throws Chris a pokeball.
"I have tons of those, try it out. It can be just like class, except, your teacher is me."
RE: Stewart Hall Academy

Lupus starts sneasing, "Ugh, what's in this stuff?", Lupus asked, "It's clogging up my nose!"
RE: Stewart Hall Academy

"Well, it might bother you a bit, since you are part pokemon, but please, just deal with it till' we get there, alright?"
RE: Stewart Hall Academy

"Ok... ummm... what do I do now?" asked Chris.

Chris looked at all the pokemon around him, "Do I just pick one out?"
RE: Stewart Hall Academy

"Well, which one do you want?"

Angry Nana turns and see's a tall building in the distance.
"Wow, we are already near?"
RE: Stewart Hall Academy

"Yeah, its no problem Nana. Mack's temper got ahold of him. Not the first time though..."
RE: Stewart Hall Academy

Mack holds his anger inside instead of beating the heck out of Shane, which at the moment sounded easy.
"Oldale, you said?"

"Yes, that is the next town, but first I am going to tell Professor Birch what has been going on."
RE: Stewart Hall Academy

"Sure I'll go with you. Just try not to take a nap while we're gone."
Shane walks out the door towards the lab.

(Shane is enjoying every moment of this :p)
RE: Stewart Hall Academy

"Me too."
Mack starts to follow Smart Nana

"Well then, the three of us it shall be."
Smart Nana knocks on Proffessor Birch's door, to only see a woman answer the door. She has brown hair, a bandana on her head, and a t-shirt and shorts.

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