Finished Stewart Hall Academy~Check post 3466 to see if you got in!

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RE: Stewart Hall Academy

The Absol roared in pain as his bones snap and crack and reshape...Soon the Absol was gone and in it's place was a naked and unconcious Lupus...
RE: Stewart Hall Academy

Chris walks into the Pokemon Lab with Serenity and Normal Nana.

"Prof. Elm? Are you here?"

Chris looked around, and saw all of his hi-tech equipment, like his e-mail.
RE: Stewart Hall Academy

"Uhh.. ew" Roan says as Lupus turns back into him self and is laying naked on the ground. He goes to the nearest house and knocks on the door. A lady answers.
"Can I have a blanket or something, please? My friend... er, misplaced his clothes"
She gives Roan an odd look but then sees Lupus lying naked and runs to get something for him
RE: Stewart Hall Academy

"Just get out of here so I can my clothes on!"
*pushes them outside*

"An entirely grave process, I must state."

Angry Nana experiences her first blush of embarrasment. She turns away from the unconcious boy and pulls off her jacket, then puts it over his body.
"Are you feeling okay Lupis?"

"Why Hello Chris! And it's nice to see you again Nana! Have you figured out how to split into seven yet?"
"Yes, I have. In fact, they are traveling the different regions now. We were wondering if you have seen anything strange recently."
"What do you mean by...strange?"
RE: Stewart Hall Academy

Lupus slowly opened his eyes, realising Mad Nana was looming over him, he blushed, "So, um...Hi..."
RE: Stewart Hall Academy

Roan runs over with the blanket the lady gave him and gives it to Lupus.
"Hey, he woke up! You almost killed us last night, you know it?"
RE: Stewart Hall Academy

"Prof. Elm, I just wanted to thank you for giving me Bella. She's become a real asset. Also, I... umm... wanted to show you this."

Chris reaches into his backpack, and takes out a large egg with small triangular patterns.

"My mom said she found it one day in Ilex Forest."
RE: Stewart Hall Academy

Angry Nana smack the back of Roan's head and snacthes the blanket from him, and puts it on Lupus.
"Come on, kid. You need to get dressed so that we can go without rising up this town."

"I is a Togepi egg. Do you want me to hatch it? I could finish it now, but please, why do ask if I have seen anything?"
"Because Stewart Hall Academy was attacked last Friday by a group of creatures in a black Ditto-like form. The kidnapped Kina in the process."
RE: Stewart Hall Academy

"OW! What was that for?"
Roan rubbed the back of his head while holding back tears.
"You hit hard, Nana"
RE: Stewart Hall Academy

Lupus gets up, covering himself as best as he can, he ran into where they were staying and got dressed...
RE: Stewart Hall Academy

"It's not like he can help it! Anyways, we need to get to Viridian City. After that, we are going to need some rest."
RE: Stewart Hall Academy

Lupus poked his head out of the doorway, "Um, my uniform was destroyed, do you have a spare?"
RE: Stewart Hall Academy

"I have a shirt and some pajama pants. That will just have to do until we hit the city. There's no bloody mall in this dang town. How did Ash manage to live here?"
Angry Nana groans and kicks the ground.
RE: Stewart Hall Academy

"A Togepi? Hold on."

Chris takes out his Pokedex book. He flips the pages, until he finds Togepi,

"Togepi, the Spike Ball Pokemon," read Chris, "The shell seems to be filled with joy. It is said that it will share good luck when treated kindly."

Chris put the book back in his bag. "Prof. Elm, how do eggs hatch?"
RE: Stewart Hall Academy

"Nana are we at sandgem yet this is taking to long."Spirit thinks about running away from them.
RE: Stewart Hall Academy

"Well, most commonly, people travel with them until the hatch. But, I have finished a machine that can manually hatch the egg, to have the pokemon ready at hand when you need it!"
"You and your inventions..."


"Yes, yes we are. Look there it is...thank goodness took almost three hours longer than usual."
Sad Nana points to the small town, now only 200 feet away.
RE: Stewart Hall Academy

"He left as soon as he could. He was only ten" Roan laughed.
"I can see why. I can't wait to get to a city"
RE: Stewart Hall Academy

Moments later, Lupus came out dressed in the clothes Mad Nana could spare, he tugged at the shirt...
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