Finished Stewart Hall Academy~Check post 3466 to see if you got in!

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RE: Stewart Hall Academy~Congrats to the 2 who made it!

OOC: Has this afternoon ended yet? I'm a little bored of waiting on this. I'll do some stretching around then where I am.

IC: Toby jumped up from the bench. He had been waiting two hours for the academy to pick him up. He glanced around when there was a noise, but it was only aab walking by. "Where are they?" Toby muttered to himself.
RE: Stewart Hall Academy~Congrats to the 2 who made it!

laprasman-Sorry, sign ups were up there for two weeks. You should have signed up when you had the chance.

Do YOU plan on going to school(besides college) as an adult?

Chiraami-Yah, this post should get it done.
Patience is a virtue

"It looks like our trip is over anyways."
She points to the city, to see a small figure sitting out front, a boy.
"That should be Toby."

Nana knew she was going to seriously pay for this later, but she used an awakening spell to give herself energy.
She ran down the stairs and greeted Zeke.
"Hi. We're not going to school, but let me tell yah, you're going to learn a lot through this journey. The dean has sent us on a mission, and we also need your help."
RE: Stewart Hall Academy~Congrats to the 2 who made it!

OOC: How old are you guys? 23?

IC: "I waited 2 DAYS for this! And now you say I'm not going to the school?!" Zeke takes a deep breath and continues talking. "What mission? And why do you need my help?"
RE: Stewart Hall Academy~Congrats to the 2 who made it!

OoC: Were 12.

"I'm sorry about the wait. Your name is Zeke, correct?" She pauses "If so, then we need you. You are a friend of the family that runs the school, and at the moment, they have lost one of thier most important children. DO you think you can help out with us?"
RE: Stewart Hall Academy~Congrats to the 2 who made it!

Lupus suddenly realised there was a problem, he turned to Mad Nana and whispered into her ear...
"Hey, tonight's my final transformation fo the month, maybe we should wait until tomorrow to add him to our group..."
RE: Stewart Hall Academy~Congrats to the 2 who made it!

But Lupus was a little to late. Roan ran to meet Toby. He stuck out his hand for a handshake.
"Hey, you're Toby, right? I'm Roan."
Roan studied him for a moment (can you post his application for us? If you already did then my bad.)
"Good to meet you!"
RE: Stewart Hall Academy~Congrats to the 2 who made it!

OoC: I did, but here you go.
Yokokina Tour Guide Form:
Name: Toby Wittis
Gender: Male
Region you lived in: Sinnoh
Personality: Humorous but serious at times
Special Skills: Online Pokemon battling. Pokemon trading, surfing, smart allec, plays the guitar and spends all his time on online forums
Extra Curricular Class(Pick Three from the earlier letter):
-Advanced Math
-Advanced Literature
-Pokemon Training
Appearance: He has spiky green hair (it looks like Ash's only green ), has dark, cloudy, blue eyes. He is 161 centimeters
tall and has size 7 feet. He has a scar down his left arm.
Background: Enjoyed the city life in Jubilife City until his parents decided to send him to a boarding school. He had a
Turtwig named Norzy but he had to leave it behind when he left Isshu.

"It might just be better that he learns now rather than later. I got a cover story for you, don't worry."
She walks to Toby.
"Welcome to the Academy. Unfortunately, we aren't going to go there immediately."
RE: Stewart Hall Academy~Congrats to the 2 who made it!

Lupus sighed, Mad Nana was always resourceful, but it was a shame...
...To him, it seemed like she was underestimating his true transformation...
RE: Stewart Hall Academy~Congrats to the 2 who made it!

OOC: And it isn't one I have

IC: "Hi! As we aren't going directly to the Academy, I better learn you guys names, now I have time on my hands," Toby said. "And who are you?" he said, turning to Lupus.
RE: Stewart Hall Academy~Congrats to the 2 who made it!

Lupus looked at Toby and smiled, he seemed like a nice guy...
"My name is Lupus Vile, nice to meet you..."
RE: Stewart Hall Academy~Congrats to the 2 who made it!

"Hi Lupus!" Toby said with enthusiasm. "So where are we actually going now if we aren't headed for Academy immediately?"
RE: Stewart Hall Academy~Congrats to the 2 who made it!

"To the museum. Cubone feels naked. And be on the look out for anything suspicious. We are looking for the men in black "
Roan whispered the last part and dramatically shifted his eyes to the left and right.
"We are on a mission to find them"
RE: Stewart Hall Academy~Congrats to the 2 who made it!

"Well come on, let's go, Slowpokes!"
Zeke runs off before anyone says a word.
RE: Stewart Hall Academy~Congrats to the 2 who made it!

"'re going to find out that Roan jokes around...a lot! I mean all the time!" She nervously laughs as she looks at Roan in a somewhat apologetic way.
"We should head for the musuem, but right after, food. I'm starving."

"Wait there for a second, Zeke, dinner first. I have been...sick recently. So, we need to eat, sleep, then we can go. Also, there is a contest and a gym in the town. In case any of you would enjoy doing either of those."
RE: Stewart Hall Academy~Congrats to the 2 who made it!

Chris suddenly re-emerged from his saddened state.

"I think our best bet right now is the Gym. In case you didn't know, Zeke. We're trying to evade persecution by the Black Men. Have you seen anyone in town who is suspcious?"
RE: Stewart Hall Academy~Congrats to the 2 who made it!

"No. And who are the black men anyway? Where's the gym? And what type does it specialize in? Will my Chompers (Gible), Sneezy (Sneasel), and Shockid (Elekid) be able to handle it? Why am I asking so much questions?"
RE: Stewart Hall Academy~Congrats to the 2 who made it!

Chris tried to recollect his thoughts. "Well, from what I remember, Falkner specializes in Flying. Your Chompers may not be a great ally, but I'm sure Shockid will do fine. Nana, what do you want to do first?"
RE: Stewart Hall Academy~Congrats to the 2 who made it!

Nana looked at the two boys and laughed.
"I will be sure to watch you both and cheer while you battle."
RE: Stewart Hall Academy~Congrats to the 2 who made it!

"What? Oh, yeah... That's what I do best"
Roan looks at Nana with a questioning look on his face
RE: Stewart Hall Academy~Congrats to the 2 who made it!

"Toby, why don't you talk to Lupus for a bit? Me and Roan need to talk about what to have for lun-I mean dinner."
She pulls Roan over and whispers in his ear
"I'm sorry, but he is already going to find out about Lupus tonight." She pauses. "I don't want to overwhelme him, he might leave us out of fear."
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