Finished Stewart Hall Academy~Check post 3466 to see if you got in!

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RE: Stewart Hall Academy~Congrats to the 2 who made it!

She leans over to see what Lupus is holding.
"You do realize that that's poisonous...right?"

Nana knocks her hand the window to get the boys attention.
RE: Stewart Hall Academy~Congrats to the 2 who made it!

"No, you can't eat that. That isn't an option."
Roan grabbed Lupus' wrist and shook it, makinf the sludge fling out of his hand.
"Besides, what if you died and came back as a ZOMBIE WERE-ABSOL. That would be even worse. So no, tough it out."
RE: Stewart Hall Academy~Congrats to the 2 who made it!

Lupus hung his head and walked further ahead, he wanted to be alone...
The boy whispered to himself, "They don't understand, It could all end tonight!"
RE: Stewart Hall Academy~Congrats to the 2 who made it!

She runs to catch up with Lupus. Once she does, she holds his shoulder and flips him around.
"Look, no monster, no matter how dangerous, deserves to die. Lupus, we'll make it, somehow. Maybe we could come up with a plan."

She motions her finger so that is saying that he should some inside.
RE: Stewart Hall Academy~Congrats to the 2 who made it!

Serenity looks at the guy that Nana is motioning twards."Nana who is that?" she looks at the guy and wonders who he is and why...then she looks back at Nana waiting for an answer.
RE: Stewart Hall Academy~Congrats to the 2 who made it!

Nana gives Serenity a look plainly saying "Does it look like I have the energy to talk right now?"
RE: Stewart Hall Academy~Congrats to the 2 who made it!

....Nana doesn't reply...."Well since you can't talk I might go see who this is..." Serenity walks to the the door,opens it, and looks at the guy. "Hey were we suppose to meet you here?"
RE: Stewart Hall Academy~Congrats to the 2 who made it!

Nana barely manages to have the energy to do it, but she tells Serenity through mind,
Tell that it was destroyed.
Say that we need his support.
RE: Stewart Hall Academy~Congrats to the 2 who made it!

"Mad Nana, if it's kept alive, it could...Make my nightmares a reality..."
Lupus briefley remembered his nightmare, "...I don't want that..."
RE: Stewart Hall Academy~Congrats to the 2 who made it!

"Lupus, we can't do this without you. If you died, we would be so overcome with grief, that this journey couldn't go on. Sure, we will get some scratches on the way, but it will be worth it."
She smiles and continues walking.
I can't get mad...
I can't get mad...
RE: Stewart Hall Academy~Congrats to the 2 who made it!

Roan glances at Nana and then whispers in Lupus' ear:
"Plus, if you kill yourself, I will be stuck with angery Nana all alone"
RE: Stewart Hall Academy~Congrats to the 2 who made it!

Lupus sighed, "Fine, I'll keep myself alive...But, please don't get hurt you guys..."
Lupus looked to the sky and then at Mad Nana, "...What time is it?"
RE: Stewart Hall Academy~Congrats to the 2 who made it!

"I'd say it's around mid day. Look! There's the town!"
She races toward the city.

Which I have forgotten the name of...
RE: Stewart Hall Academy~Congrats to the 2 who made it!

Ooc: We are still in Viridean. Unless we left and I didn't realize, lol

Roan takes off after in a sprint. He then trips over a tree root and does a summersault onto his back. He quickly got up and hoped Nana and Lupus missed it, and walked it off like nothing happened.
RE: Stewart Hall Academy~Congrats to the 2 who made it!

OOC: Hey, Aggiegwyn, now that the full list of Gen 5 Pokemon has been revealed, could we include them into the RPG?

Lupus followed his friends, keeping at a steady pace...
The boy turned to the woods and saw a shadow nearby...
RE: Stewart Hall Academy~Congrats to the 2 who made it!

shampoo-thief: We left after helping you defeat the Grimer.

Kaiserchu:No, because I don't know must of the Gen 5 Pokemon, and, I am the GM.

Normally, she would laugh at such a fall, but she remembered how mad Roan could get, and decided to pretend she didn't notice.
"What are you lookin' at Lupus?"
RE: Stewart Hall Academy~Congrats to the 2 who made it!

OoC: So Pewter City then?

IC: "Hey guys I need to stop by the museum when we get a chance, ok?"
Roan looked into the woods too and didn't see anything.
"Yeah, I don' see anything either"
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