Finished Stewart Hall Academy~Check post 3466 to see if you got in!

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RE: Stewart Hall Academy~Congrats to the 2 who made it!

Lupus stared into the woods, he was sure he saw something...
"Hey, guys, call me paraniod but I think we're being followed..."
But by what? It didn't look like one of the black men, what could it be?
RE: Stewart Hall Academy~Congrats to the 2 who made it!

She immediately goes in battle stance and brings out her sword.
"Whatever it is, we either think we can beat it, or run for dear life."
RE: Stewart Hall Academy~Congrats to the 2 who made it!

Roan laughed. "You guys are justing being paranoid. Who would attack us in the middle of the day? Lets just keep going, we are almost there"
He took some steps in that direction, hoping they would follow his lead.
RE: Stewart Hall Academy~Congrats to the 2 who made it!

She decided to let it go, but still held her hand by her sword.
"Lupus, tell us if you see anything again."
She waits for Lupus to follow.
RE: Stewart Hall Academy~Congrats to the 2 who made it!

Lupus stared into the woods for a little longer, he then decided it was pointless to continue looking for something he saw for a second, so he followed the others...
"...So, what are we going to do when we get there?"
RE: Stewart Hall Academy~Congrats to the 2 who made it!

"We have someone to meet up with there. He's been waiting for the past two days. He was going to transfer into the Academy, but Uncle knows we need all the help we can get."
RE: Stewart Hall Academy~Congrats to the 2 who made it!

"Oh cool! What's his name?"
Roan was excited to get a new team member. Maybe he could help balance out the crazy xP
RE: Stewart Hall Academy~Congrats to the 2 who made it!

Chris's emotion suddenly exploded. But, because of his docile personality, he was quiet.

"Nana. I... WE DON'T NEED YOU BABYING US!" Chris finally got out.

He looked at Serenity and Nana in front of him. He was taken aback by himself, and he was shocked that he screamed this.

"I know, that, you don't want us to die and that you need us, but we can manage, Nana! We can handle the Black Men! Running away from everything doesn't always help! You should know-"

Suddenly, Chris stopped. He realized, that that's what Nana had always done. "I'm sorry, Nana, I.."
RE: Stewart Hall Academy~Congrats to the 2 who made it!

OoC: So you finally decided to come back....

Nana only simply nodded at Chris, for she was still exhausted.
"Sorry. The last time I tried to fight, two lives were lost. I do not wish for that to happen again."

"His name is Toby. If we hurry, we can meet him by afternoon."
She continues walking.
RE: Stewart Hall Academy~Congrats to the 2 who made it!

Roan sees a sketchy looking man sitting by a big pile of rocks. The man catches his looking and yells to him "Hey young man! Want to buy some rocks?"
Roan instantly looks away and pretends that he didn't see him.
"Keep walking guys, just keep walking"
RE: Stewart Hall Academy~Congrats to the 2 who made it!

She curls her fists, but continues walking.
What a creep...
RE: Stewart Hall Academy~Congrats to the 2 who made it!

Chris looks down, and realizes they're in Violet Town.

"Hey, this is where the first gym leader is, you guys. Falkner. Maybe.. he might have some info?"

Chris awkwardly looks at Serenity, and then Nana.
RE: Stewart Hall Academy~Congrats to the 2 who made it!

OoC: Oh, woops, I guess I should have read more carefully :p
RE: Stewart Hall Academy~Congrats to the 2 who made it!

Lupus walked by the man, he suddenly stopped and looked back at the strange man...
Quickly, the trainer sent out Moonshine, he looked at his pokemon and said, "Hey, Moonshine, could you use Night Slash on that man?"
Moonshine's eyes widened, but she nodded, she ran up to the Man and sliced at him...
RE: Stewart Hall Academy~Congrats to the 2 who made it!

Angry Nana blocks the blow. She then turns to Lupus and says
"I don't think that he is evil. Just crazy."
RE: Stewart Hall Academy~Congrats to the 2 who made it!

Can I register for next semester?
Region you lived in:Hoenn
Personality:Calm, most of the time...
Special Skills:Has a special bond with pokemon
Extra Curricular Class(Pick Three from the earlier letter): Pokemon battling 101, Jazz band, Yoga
Appearance(A link or a really, really, good description please):
like that 'cept with dark brown hair
Background(NOT OPTIONAL!): Ran away from home when he was younger, acts as his own parent
RE: Stewart Hall Academy~Congrats to the 2 who made it!

"But, he just dosen't seem right, I can't shake the feeling I've felt his presence somewhere before..."
Lupus pondered and shrugged, he called back Moonshine and turned to leave...
RE: Stewart Hall Academy~Congrats to the 2 who made it!

OOC: I ain't no man. Wait...Am I supposed to be, or just a kid like you guys?

IC: Zeke, not noticing the blow of the Pokemon, looked at the group.
"Well jeez. ABOUT TIME! Do you know how long I've been waiting for you?
2 DAYS! Where have you been? Isshu? Whatever, where's the school?"
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