Finished Stewart Hall Academy~Check post 3466 to see if you got in!

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RE: Stewart Hall Academy~It's what you wanted! SIGN UPS! PM THEM TO MWA!

OoC: Now for a 1st person perspective...

Kill and destroy...That's the only thing I know I can do...I looked at the humans around me, memories came back to me whenever I see their faces...I hold them off, preferring to lose myself in Rage and Hunger...

The Absol roared at the humans and smacked the Togekiss away. It was ready to attack when...

The Sun shone in the distance...
RE: Stewart Hall Academy~It's what you wanted! SIGN UPS! PM THEM TO MWA!

Nana's eyes glow white, bright light escapes from her body.
Doisnake en fortuit...
Doisnake en golte...
Doisnake in RETREAVE...

OoC: No dissing. That came from the top of my head.
IC: You see the spirit of Absol and Lupus being slowly pulled apart...
RE: Stewart Hall Academy~It's what you wanted! SIGN UPS! PM THEM TO MWA!

The Absol's spirit, realising what was happening, tried to tear itself out of Nana's grip and return to its other half. Lupus's spirit looked drowzy and sluggish, doing nothing as the dark pokemon's spirit clawed at him...
RE: Stewart Hall Academy~It's what you wanted! SIGN UPS! PM THEM TO MWA!

Nana pulled stronger...fiercer. Why couldn't Serenity and the others distract him?!
RE: Stewart Hall Academy~It's what you wanted! SIGN UPS! PM THEM TO MWA!

Serenity ran behind the Raging Absol and sent out Altaria hastly..

"Altaria use Ice Beam on Absol's feet!!"

The Ice Beam was sent raging towards The absols feet in the hopes of binding it down...
RE: Stewart Hall Academy~It's what you wanted! SIGN UPS! PM THEM TO MWA!

The Absol roared in fury as it's feet were frozen solid. The souls came apart violently, the Absol's soul was flung into the distance, while Lupus and his body was flung into a building...
RE: Stewart Hall Academy~It's what you wanted! SIGN UPS! PM THEM TO MWA!

"Well crud.." Roan ran to where Lupus had landed to make sure he was ok.
RE: Stewart Hall Academy~It's what you wanted! SIGN UPS! PM THEM TO MWA!

Tonby ran over to Roan. "Do think he'll be all right?"
RE: Stewart Hall Academy~It's what you wanted! SIGN UPS! PM THEM TO MWA!

Lupus moaned, opening his eyes, "...What happened? I feel so...Incomplete..." Lupus blinked twice, "Roan...You have a spare pair of clothes with you, right?"
RE: Stewart Hall Academy~It's what you wanted! SIGN UPS! PM THEM TO MWA!

"Uhh... Here, take my shirt and do what you can with that. With all that was going on I forgot to grab you some." Roan handed his shirt over to Lupus. "You can just keep that"
RE: Stewart Hall Academy~It's what you wanted! SIGN UPS! PM THEM TO MWA!

A message his heard throughout the group.
I am finished...
Find Kina...
Thank you...
Thank you all...

Nana fades into mist.
RE: Stewart Hall Academy~It's what you wanted! SIGN UPS! PM THEM TO MWA!

Serenity looks at the spot were Nana was...


She feels tears run down her face. They are warm but her face is cold. She could say they felt good, but she couldn't feel anything..Nana was gone.

OOC: Does this mean we will continue the RPG without you Aggiegwyn.
RE: Stewart Hall Academy~It's what you wanted! SIGN UPS! PM THEM TO MWA!

Chris was paralyzed when he heard this. All of these efforts of joining with Nana seemed like a waste. Their adventure through Cherrygrove and Violet City seemed like a distant memory. Saving Serenity seemed like a dream come true..

Wait, remembered Chris. Not all of their efforts were in vain!

"Altomare!" suddenly screamed Chris, "That's where they're keeping Kina. We all need to work together to infiltrate their stronghold. I'm so glad we were able to go back, now we have a goal. Guys! Huddle up! We need to come up with a plan to save Kina."
RE: Stewart Hall Academy~It's what you wanted! SIGN UPS! PM THEM TO MWA!

Roan stared blankly into the spot where Nana had been, not knowing what to say. She had just vanished... He snapped back into reality when Chris started talking, but his head was still distant.
"Altomare?" was all he managed to say.

OoC: Aggie, you always seem to die in these :p
RE: Stewart Hall Academy~It's what you wanted! SIGN UPS! PM THEM TO MWA!

OoC: You will all see later that Nana actually never really existed in the first place.

Feel free to continue to use Nana's pokemon, you guys still have to save Kina, dontcha'!
RE: Stewart Hall Academy~It's what you wanted! SIGN UPS! PM THEM TO MWA!

Lupus put on Roan's shirt and got up, groaning. "Wait...I feel empty...What happened to the Absol?" Lupus asked, looking at his friend Roan...
RE: Stewart Hall Academy~It's what you wanted! SIGN UPS! PM THEM TO MWA!

He looked down towards the pitied girl.
"You try and escape..." He breaths deeply in anger. He slams his fist against the wall.
"I didn't-" The girl began, but couldn't finish. As she became more afraid, her scar reopend and began bleeding and spreading across her face.
"You didn't what? You mean those people just decided to break into our system and destroy our base?" He sneered. "You mean it's just a coincendence that that...freak decided to try and BUST YOU OUT??!!" He kicks her to the ground.

OoC: Serenity see's this as a vision.
RE: Stewart Hall Academy~It's what you wanted! SIGN UPS! PM THEM TO MWA!

Chris hops on the Togekiss. "Come on, guys, we need to get to Altomare, now!"
RE: Stewart Hall Academy~It's what you wanted! SIGN UPS! PM THEM TO MWA!

"Nana was able to split it from your soul. Or something like that. I don't know. But I know its gone now. Come on, let's get going. Chris, where is Altomare?" Roan walks over and also sits on the Togekiss, since he didn't have a flying pokemon.
"This should be an awkward ride"
RE: Stewart Hall Academy~It's what you wanted! SIGN UPS! PM THEM TO MWA!

Lupus didn't complain as he hopped onto the Togekiss. "At least we have a ride Roan..."

Hungry...Hungry...Hungry...Where are you...Hungry...Hungry...Hungry...My soul...Where is...My soul...?
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