Finished Stewart Hall Academy~Check post 3466 to see if you got in!

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RE: Stewart Hall Academy~It's what you wanted! SIGN UPS! PM THEM TO MWA!

OoC: The way this RPG runs now depends on you guys, so make sure t try and stay active. I can't really do anything with you guys until you reach your destination.
RE: Stewart Hall Academy~It's what you wanted! SIGN UPS! PM THEM TO MWA!

"what's even more awkward is that you still aren't wearing any pants" Roan scoots a bit closer to chris on the Togekiss.
RE: Stewart Hall Academy~It's what you wanted! SIGN UPS! PM THEM TO MWA!

Chris says, "Togekiss, fly us to Altomare, the place where we found Nana, and Serenity. Go!"

The Togekiss flew, and they were well on their way to Altomare. Knowing that they would not arrive quickly, he said, "Ummm... so.. do any of you remember life back at the Academy?"
RE: Stewart Hall Academy~It's what you wanted! SIGN UPS! PM THEM TO MWA!

"...I was moody, quiet, not a very friendly guy...I changed dramatically since then..." Lupus then realised what Roan said, "...You have a spare change of underwear, right?
RE: Stewart Hall Academy~It's what you wanted! SIGN UPS! PM THEM TO MWA!

Roan fished through his bag and found a pair, and handed it back to Lupus.
"Yeah, I remember those days. They were the best. Whatever happened to Mack and those guys? I miss them"
RE: Stewart Hall Academy~It's what you wanted! SIGN UPS! PM THEM TO MWA!

Chris pondered about the whereabouts of Mack and Shane, ultimately said, "They must be off somewhere arguing over Kina's love."
RE: Stewart Hall Academy~It's what you wanted! SIGN UPS! PM THEM TO MWA!

OoC: Aggs, help me out here. What are we seeing when we arrive at Altomare?

IC: The Togekiss arrives on the outskirt of the city. Chris descends, and says to everyone, "Are you ready? After this, we will be sleeping in our dorm rooms."
RE: Stewart Hall Academy~It's what you wanted! SIGN UPS! PM THEM TO MWA!

Lupus replied in a triumphant shout, "Lets do it!"

The Togekiss...That Togekis...My Soul...On the...Must...Follow...
RE: Stewart Hall Academy~It's what you wanted! SIGN UPS! PM THEM TO MWA!

Okay, it's daytime. You guys land on one of the ports. A sailor on his boat a few feet away looks at Lupus.
"Do you kids need some help?"
RE: Stewart Hall Academy~It's what you wanted! SIGN UPS! PM THEM TO MWA!

Serenity looked around at how beautiful the destination was.

"I always wanted to come here when I was little..."

She looked at the sailor then back to Lupus then back to the sailor.
RE: Stewart Hall Academy~It's what you wanted! SIGN UPS! PM THEM TO MWA!

Chris descends from the Togekiss, faces the sailor, and says, "Yeah, actually. We're looking for Black Men. Have you seen any around here?"

Chris, suddenly realizing the awkwardness of what he had just said, makes this face. 0.0
RE: Stewart Hall Academy~It's what you wanted! SIGN UPS! PM THEM TO MWA!

Lupus stared awkwardly at the sailor, feeling a tad bit weird for being stared at...

Watch...Watching...Nearby...I need him back...
RE: Stewart Hall Academy~It's what you wanted! SIGN UPS! PM THEM TO MWA!

The sailor laughs at Chris' comment.
"Funny! But try to be less offensive. Here."
He throws some clothes over to Lupus.
"They're my sons. He has plenty of clothing. Can't have you walking around here nude. This is Altomare, not one of those nude beaches."
He laughs to himself as he readies the engine and sails off.
RE: Stewart Hall Academy~It's what you wanted! SIGN UPS! PM THEM TO MWA!

Chris yelled after the Sailor, "Wait! You didn't answer the question!"

Chris sighs, and faces inland. "Come on."
RE: Stewart Hall Academy~It's what you wanted! SIGN UPS! PM THEM TO MWA!

A tour guide greets you at the dock.
"Hello, and welcome to Altomare! Would you like a free tour?"
RE: Stewart Hall Academy~It's what you wanted! SIGN UPS! PM THEM TO MWA!

"Err, sure!" said Roan. "all the people here are really friendly.." he said to the group.
RE: Stewart Hall Academy~It's what you wanted! SIGN UPS! PM THEM TO MWA!

"We'll start with the canals! Now, since you have a large group, and there can only be three per boat, would you rather travel on foot or seperate in boats?"
She smiles.

OoC: Oh, and she is wearing a black-and-white striped long-sleeve shirt, and is wearing one of those bureau things.
Frenchy Tour Guide.

RE: Stewart Hall Academy~It's what you wanted! SIGN UPS! PM THEM TO MWA!

"Well we should really stay together, for all we know you could be a bla..I mean it's just safer to stay together."

She makes this face <_<
RE: Stewart Hall Academy~It's what you wanted! SIGN UPS! PM THEM TO MWA!

"Foot in my opinion, otherwise we may be split up and seeing we need a tour, we certainy don't know a away around here." said Toby.
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