Finished Stewart Hall Academy~Check post 3466 to see if you got in!

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RE: Stewart Hall Academy~It's what you wanted! SIGN UPS! PM THEM TO MWA!

Guards? What were they doing in the dark

OoC: You have NO idea how many innapropiate responses popped in my head.


IC: "Spinda! Uproar!"
Both gaurds have automatic gear cover thier ears. Loud noise screams across the room.
"Zubat! Super-Sonic on the Snornut!"
RE: Stewart Hall Academy~It's what you wanted! SIGN UPS! PM THEM TO MWA!

OOC: Hey the Zubat had to go down. LOL

Snorunt turned to run from the attack but its short body prevented it from running fast and the supersonic landed on the Snorunt. The pokemon then began to bang its head on the damp wall.

"Snorunt..Uhm..shake it off hurry!!"

She tried to prevent the noise from getting to her from the noise but she couldn't then she sprouted an idea.
RE: Stewart Hall Academy~It's what you wanted! SIGN UPS! PM THEM TO MWA!

"Zubat! Use Wing Attack!"
The Zubat zooms towards Snorunt.
RE: Stewart Hall Academy~It's what you wanted! SIGN UPS! PM THEM TO MWA!

Snorunt still began to bang its head on the wall until the Zubat approached. The Noise was strong so Snorunt went on a frenzy with Icy Wind.

"Snowrunt I have an Idea!! But you have to calm down and concentrate first!!"
RE: Stewart Hall Academy~It's what you wanted! SIGN UPS! PM THEM TO MWA!

Roan instantly covered his ears as the awful sound filled the room.
I hope the tour guide doesn't hear this he screamed in his head.
Cubone tried to cover his ears, but the skull pervented him from reaching his ears. As the Spinda stopped, Roan lifted his hands. His ears were ringing.
"Cubone, headbutt the Spinda!" he yelled, louder than he needed to
RE: Stewart Hall Academy~It's what you wanted! SIGN UPS! PM THEM TO MWA!

The Snorunt got knowcked down and out of its confusion.

"OK Roan I have an Idea do you trust me?!"

Serenity yelled knowing it might be the only way out of this predicament.
RE: Stewart Hall Academy~It's what you wanted! SIGN UPS! PM THEM TO MWA!

Chris, still behind the Tour Guide, hears a large echoing from underground. Realizing they were underground, he shouts, "Roan and Serenity! They went underground! I've got to help!"

Chris begins to run, but suddenly realizes that he shouted loud enough for the Tour Guide to hear.
RE: Stewart Hall Academy~It's what you wanted! SIGN UPS! PM THEM TO MWA!

"Stop!" She screams. "I'll call the police!" She immediately brings out a cellphone and dials. "Hello? Yes, there's an emergency!"
RE: Stewart Hall Academy~It's what you wanted! SIGN UPS! PM THEM TO MWA!

Chris suddenly panics. Not knowing what to do, he calls out Bella, and says, "Razor Leaf! Stop her!!"

Bella then shoots 5 sharp Razor Leafs at the Guide.
RE: Stewart Hall Academy~It's what you wanted! SIGN UPS! PM THEM TO MWA!

OoC: Oh dang!

IC: Roan covered his ears as the Spinda let loose again. Cubone, again, couldn't cover his ears. Once the screeching stopped, Roan returned the pokemon.
"Ok, Shellder, your turn!" He threw out the pokeball and Shellder appeared.
"Aurora beam that annoying Spinda!"
RE: Stewart Hall Academy~It's what you wanted! SIGN UPS! PM THEM TO MWA!

Nightshade appeared and Night Slashed Spinda, she then looked back at a fully clothed Lupus, "Good job Nightshade, help the others hold off the enemy..."

Feed...I need to...Feargh!!!!
A large bulk bounded towards the Tour Guide, roaring in fury...
RE: Stewart Hall Academy~It's what you wanted! SIGN UPS! PM THEM TO MWA!

OoC: Uh oh... Is that...?

IC: "Lupus, perfect timing. This better actually be worth something coming down here. Arceus knows we will be in a load of shinx if we get caught..."
RE: Stewart Hall Academy~It's what you wanted! SIGN UPS! PM THEM TO MWA!

OoC: HA! Pokemon cursing!

IC: The tour guide falls unconcious.

OoC: Congrats, you are now escaped fugitives.

IC: The Spinda falls and both of the gaurds run at the sight of the Absol. The hallway is open to you guys.
RE: Stewart Hall Academy~It's what you wanted! SIGN UPS! PM THEM TO MWA!

Serenity looks down the hallway and turns to the rest of the gang.

"Come on guys lets go!"
RE: Stewart Hall Academy~It's what you wanted! SIGN UPS! PM THEM TO MWA!

OoC: I learned from the best

IC: Roan follows Serenity down the hallway, not knowing what to expect
RE: Stewart Hall Academy~It's what you wanted! SIGN UPS! PM THEM TO MWA!

OoC: Yes, why yes you did.

Red and blue lights suddenly flash on and off. Down the hallway you see a series of doorways. More gaurds are running to and fro, but they don't seem to be focused on you. In fact they ignore you and push past you.
RE: Stewart Hall Academy~It's what you wanted! SIGN UPS! PM THEM TO MWA!

"Which door should we go through?" Roan whispered to Serenity while trying to avoid being trampled.
"I wonder why they are ignoring us?"
RE: Stewart Hall Academy~It's what you wanted! SIGN UPS! PM THEM TO MWA!

A bigger gaurd comes behind you.
"Why aren't you in uniform in a time like this! Go into uniform and follow the code!" He yells as he points to a certain door.
RE: Stewart Hall Academy~It's what you wanted! SIGN UPS! PM THEM TO MWA!

Chris looks down at the unconcious Tour Guide. Suddenly realizing what he's done, Chris exclaims, "OH MY GOD! WHAT HAVE I DONE!!! HOLY BABY JESUS!! OH MY ARCEUS!! OH MY BUDDAH, YAHWEH, ALLAH, VISHNU!! I JUST KILLED THIS WOMAN! OH MY! AAAAHHH!! I GOTTA, I GOTTA, I GOTTA HIDE THE BODY!!"

Chris picks up the unconcious woman, and looks for a garbage bin, but since all that they seem to use is recycling, he can't throw the woman away. He certainly can't put her in recycling. What use would she be then? So, he looks around, and finds sunglasses, and a very large and roomy overcoat. He puts the sunglasses on her, props her up, and fits the coat over her. He then slips behind her, and coordinates his leg movement with hers, and holds on to her arms. Now, like a puppet, Chris waddles around the hallways, pretending to be her.

A guard walks by, spots the Tour Guide, and says, "Hello."

Chris, not knowing what to do, tries to salute the guard, and says, in the highest voice possible, "Hello!" Then, he tries to salute the guard, but actually ends up slapping him in the face.

The guard, caught off guard, says, "Ow! Is this about our breakup? I told you, I like somone else now! Can't you see that!"

Chris thinks of what to do, but while thinking, he lets go of her head, which tips down, dropping the sunglasses, revealing her still face.

The guard jumps back, and says, "OMG! What's going on!?"

Chris throws the body at the guard, and orders Bella to use Razor Leaf again. The man falls, unconcious.

Chris then picks up the two people, freaks out again, and decides ultimately to change in the clothes of the guard, and still parade the woman around like a puppet.

This is when, the alarm goes off.
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