Finished Stewart Hall Academy~Check post 3466 to see if you got in!

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RE: Stewart Hall Academy~It's what you wanted! SIGN UPS! PM THEM TO MWA!

OOC: Like I said on New Dawn: OOC: This is one of the few times I'll get on in the coming weeks. I'm sorry, but I've been fairly I'll and too exhausted to come online recently, but I may be able to come on once every four or five days. I don't know.
RE: Stewart Hall Academy~It's what you wanted! SIGN UPS! PM THEM TO MWA!

OoC: No problem, Chiraami. Do what'cha gotta do.

IC: "Girl...power...water..."
The boy falls as a man walks in from the far side of the room. Lights fills the room. He appears to be some kind of doctor.
"Gaurds, what is you purpose here? We need to relocate the girl! There's an imposter!"
RE: Stewart Hall Academy~It's what you wanted! SIGN UPS! PM THEM TO MWA!

"We came to take the girl to a more secure place! Direct orders. Where is she?"
Please let him believe me...
RE: Stewart Hall Academy~It's what you wanted! SIGN UPS! PM THEM TO MWA!

Serenity stands next to Roan (Fred).
She stares at the boy that had fallen. She thinks to herself

"Girl..Water...Powers..what could that mean a girl who has water powers? nah, thats too bogus. Then again Nana did have some pretty strange powers. Was he attacked or trying to save this girl? hmm."

She snaps back into reality when Roan tells the Docter about them taking the Girl to a more secure area.
Please let him Belive Roan...
RE: Stewart Hall Academy~It's what you wanted! SIGN UPS! PM THEM TO MWA!

"THEN GO GET HER! STOP FOOLING AROUND!" He screams as he points to a far doorway that opens into a hallway. He aggravatedly dumps the fish boy back in his cage as he storms off.
RE: Stewart Hall Academy~It's what you wanted! SIGN UPS! PM THEM TO MWA!

He looked nervously at Serenity and then opened the door. Inside was a hallway.
"Come on, Ser- er Consuela. I think this might be it. This might be Kina"
He entered the hallway and walked down it until he reached a door. He turned the knob and opened it to find...
RE: Stewart Hall Academy~It's what you wanted! SIGN UPS! PM THEM TO MWA!

A white hospital looking room. In it is a bad with a vital screen and IV stand beside it. What lays on the bed is covered by a white blanket.

They know.
Idiots for naming her aloud.
Oh well, I can just kill them all.
Let's have them think that they have won.
Then, we take them out with a nice clean sweep.
RE: Stewart Hall Academy~It's what you wanted! SIGN UPS! PM THEM TO MWA!

Roan walks slowly into the room, taking in all of the details. He stepped towards the bed. Under this sheet could be Kina, they might have finally found her. He gently put his hand on the edge of the sheet and slowly pulled it off for total suspence.
Under the sheet was...
RE: Stewart Hall Academy~It's what you wanted! SIGN UPS! PM THEM TO MWA!

OoC: LOL, you hav had to use the ellipses so many times.

IC: Under the sheet is as Roan assumed. Kina was lying, not awake, but unconcious. Her hair was a chocolate brown, but now it is an unatural light blue. Her skin is much more pale, and she appears to have strange dark markings tattoed across her body.
RE: Stewart Hall Academy~It's what you wanted! SIGN UPS! PM THEM TO MWA!

Chris responds into the receiver, "What's going on in my end? Well, let's see, I'm being chased in a long hallway that I'm getting lost in. I DON'T KNOW WHERE TO GO!"

Chris turns a corner, and is greeted by a dead end. He feels over the walls, hoping to find some sort pf secret exit. He finds none, and his fear heightens as their footsteps and shouts grow larger.

"Oh, Nana. If only you were here!"
RE: Stewart Hall Academy~It's what you wanted! SIGN UPS! PM THEM TO MWA!

Serenity covers her mouth to hide a gasp as she is seeing the same that Roan is.


She walks behind Roan as tears well up inside her.

"We have to save her Roan, we have to get her out of here..."
RE: Stewart Hall Academy~It's what you wanted! SIGN UPS! PM THEM TO MWA!

Roan nodded but said nothing. He put his hand to Kina's cheek. It felt cold to the touch.
"Kina... Kina it's us, Roan and Serenity. Can you hear me?"
RE: Stewart Hall Academy~It's what you wanted! SIGN UPS! PM THEM TO MWA!

OoC: Ah...finally being able to use Kina's colors again...

She moans then slowly opens her eyes to see Serenity.
In a dry voice, she asks "Why...why so sad?"
RE: Stewart Hall Academy~It's what you wanted! SIGN UPS! PM THEM TO MWA!

"'ve been gone for so long..."

She begins to try to help Kina out of the bed hoping she isn't to weak to help.

"Kina, what did they do to you..."
RE: Stewart Hall Academy~It's what you wanted! SIGN UPS! PM THEM TO MWA!

"What do you mean? I've only been sleeping for a few hours. Grandpa said he was moving me to a new room..."
She closes her eyes. It's obvious that she is still exhausted.
RE: Stewart Hall Academy~It's what you wanted! SIGN UPS! PM THEM TO MWA!

Suddenly, Chris's pack seems to glow. Astonished, he takes it out, "What the?"

As the grunts draw nearer and nearer, Chris's pack gets brighter and brighter. He digs around, and feels his egg. He takes it out, and finds that it was the source of the light.

"Oh my! The egg is hatching." Chris can tell that the grunts are in the room, because they start shouting, "Where is he? I can't see!"

When the light dims down, Chris sees the Pokemon that hatched from the egg. Suddenly, a large voice booms throughout all the land. "Congratulations! Your Togepi hatched from the Egg!"

Chris, disregarding the weird voice, held the Togepi in his arms. "Oh, wow! It's so cute!"

But, suddenly, Chris could see the large group of grunts, and his anxiety came back to him.

The grunts shout, "There he is! Get him!" They swarm Chris, and Chris clutches the Togepi in his arm. Without noticing, the Togepi begins to wave her little stubby arm back and forth. The arm begins to glow, and suddenly, Chris and Togepi are utop a giant, spawning wave.

Chris opens his eyes, and looks down as the grunts are overtaken by the large wave of water. "What the? What the heck is going on!?"

He looks down, and sees that the Togepi was using Surf. Confused, Chris remembered that Togepis could use Metronome.

Chris smiled down at the Togepi, and considered her hatching a blessing. A blessing from Nana. He took out his PokeGear, and contacted Roan and Serenity. Through sniffles, he said, "Where are you guys, I'm on my way."
RE: Stewart Hall Academy~It's what you wanted! SIGN UPS! PM THEM TO MWA!

Kina grunted as she heard the vioce eminate from the PokeNav. She doesn't opens her eyes, but quietly she whispers "Chris..."
Why are they all so worried about me?

OoC: Thanks for the revive, Boddy.
RE: Stewart Hall Academy~It's what you wanted! SIGN UPS! PM THEM TO MWA!

OoC: I think you're confusing your RPG's aggie. If I recollect, your character's name is Kina.
RE: Stewart Hall Academy~It's what you wanted! SIGN UPS! PM THEM TO MWA!

OoC: Fail. This is what I get for staying up so late on the weekends.
RE: Stewart Hall Academy~It's what you wanted! SIGN UPS! PM THEM TO MWA!

Chris suddenly realized that trying to get to Roan and Serenity and Kina on a giant wave would seem pretty fishy. Instead, he got off the wave with Togepi, and remembered that Roan and Serenity went sublevel. He instead, said, "Oh, I hope this works. Togepi! Try a Dig with Metronome."

Togepi waved her arm, and instead, threw a large Sludge Bomb at the floor. It corroded the floor, and gave Chris an opportunity to go underneath. "Well... I guess that works."

Chris held Togepi in his arms, and jumped down. He looked around, and saw a light coming from a dim hallway.

"That must be where they are!" said Chris. He sprinted down the hallway, until he found himself in a medical room, where Roan and Serenity were weeping, and Kina was lying on the bed. He walked calmly towards her, and noted the extreme changes in her physique.

"Oh, my god. Kina. Are you, alright?"
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