Finished Stewart Hall Academy~Check post 3466 to see if you got in!

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RE: Stewart Hall Academy~It's what you wanted! SIGN UPS! PM THEM TO MWA!

OoC: Heh. Fishy. Boddy made a poke-funny.

Kina opens her eyes.
"I'm fine...I just took a quick nap...why do you all look so worried?"
RE: Stewart Hall Academy~It's what you wanted! SIGN UPS! PM THEM TO MWA!

Chris fished in his bag, and took out a small, reflective hand-mirror.

"Why don't you look for yourself." He held it in front of her face.
RE: Stewart Hall Academy~It's what you wanted! SIGN UPS! PM THEM TO MWA!

Kina was too shocked to speak. She struggled to turn over and vomit blood. Before she blacked out, she saw the moniter and the date.
A year.
I have been asleep for a year..."
RE: Stewart Hall Academy~It's what you wanted! SIGN UPS! PM THEM TO MWA!

Chris jumped back, even though the vomit was not in his general direction.

"Oh my god. We've got to get her out of here."

Thinking of ways to get her out, he suddenly remembered that he was still wearing the grunt uniform. He quickly undressed, revealing his original clothing, and said, "Roan, Serenity, help me change her into this. We're busting her out, for Nana."

Nana? Hmm... I guess now that I really think about it, that's a pretty name. If we do get out of here, I think I just may nickname my Togepi...
RE: Stewart Hall Academy~It's what you wanted! SIGN UPS! PM THEM TO MWA!

"Kina...We have to get her out of here and back to the academy. If we roll the bed then we might be able to sneak her out of here, but I guess we could change into the doctors uniforms and act like we are helping a grunt? We just need to contact everyone and make sure we don't leave them behind"

EDIT: Totatlly Ninga'd
RE: Stewart Hall Academy~It's what you wanted! SIGN UPS! PM THEM TO MWA!

"You're right."

Chris took out his PokeGear to contact the people who must have been mindlessly roaming the building, "Guys! Get to the basement. We've got a plan."

He takes a doctors uniform, and puts it on in a hurry.

He struggles to lift Kina up, and says, "Serenity, put the pants on her."
RE: Stewart Hall Academy~It's what you wanted! SIGN UPS! PM THEM TO MWA!


Serenity changes Kina's pants into the grunt slacks. She hastly puts on the Nurse uniform.

"Ok Chris were ready when you are, we can out this door and to the exit, but we have to have an escape plan when we get out of here. We have to get to the academy quickly..."
RE: Stewart Hall Academy~It's what you wanted! SIGN UPS! PM THEM TO MWA!

Men begin to rish down the hallway. One gaurd stops and yells to the group.
"We need to get that girl outta' here! NOW!"
RE: Stewart Hall Academy~It's what you wanted! SIGN UPS! PM THEM TO MWA!

"Of course, Lets go team!"

Serenity motions everyone to start moving Kina.
RE: Stewart Hall Academy~It's what you wanted! SIGN UPS! PM THEM TO MWA!

You roll her down and into an open space with many aircraft vehicles in it. People are filing into different planes, helicopters, and teleportation pads.
RE: Stewart Hall Academy~It's what you wanted! SIGN UPS! PM THEM TO MWA!

Chris pushes the bed along with the rest of the group. He begins to feel a little anxious, and tries to remember what the building looks like.

Hastily, he turned to one of the guards, "Hey, umm... I must have missed the memo or something, but where are we taking her again? And also, why?"
RE: Stewart Hall Academy~It's what you wanted! SIGN UPS! PM THEM TO MWA!

The gaurd shakes his head, as if dissapointed in the ignorance.
"She goes in Hangar 2, where the 747 will take her off. Why? Because THIS PLACE IS ABOUT TO BLOW!!!"
He storms off, frusterated.
RE: Stewart Hall Academy~It's what you wanted! SIGN UPS! PM THEM TO MWA!

"we can't take her to that plane" Roan whispered quietly. "He have to find another way out. Where do you think the teleporters go?"
RE: Stewart Hall Academy~It's what you wanted! SIGN UPS! PM THEM TO MWA!

Chris made a worried face as the guard left.

Oh my god, we're going to die!!!!

Suddenly he had an idea. He leaned slightly towards them, and in a quiet voice, he said, "I think our best bet is to get on one of the planes with Kina. Then, once we're in the air, we can take over the aircraft, 9/11 style. Except for the part where we die. Clear?"
RE: Stewart Hall Academy~It's what you wanted! SIGN UPS! PM THEM TO MWA!

"You think we can over power a plane full of guards and then fly it? Chris, thats crazy!"
RE: Stewart Hall Academy~It's what you wanted! SIGN UPS! PM THEM TO MWA!

Chris realized the hole in his plan, then said, "Well what do we do? We can't just haul her out on foot. She's obviously worth something if the Black Men tried to kidnap her. If they realize she's gone, they'll find us. Besides, I bet that the plane has an auto pilot option."
RE: Stewart Hall Academy~It's what you wanted! SIGN UPS! PM THEM TO MWA!

OOC: I have a solution to your problems!

The Absol quietly watched Roan and Chris discuss something, on his back was...Lupus! "Alright then...Shall we get them out of here?" Lupus asked the Absol, smiling when the response was a nod. Lupus then got out a strange whistle and blew on it, releasing a low, barely detectable sound, and then hoped he others heard it...
RE: Stewart Hall Academy~It's what you wanted! SIGN UPS! PM THEM TO MWA!

Chris paused the argument. "What is this faint and barely detectable sound I an detecting?"

Chris turned towards Lupus.
RE: Stewart Hall Academy~It's what you wanted! SIGN UPS! PM THEM TO MWA!

He had to make it. He had to get her. He rushed into the room. Gone. She's gone. Clothes. Blood.
They took her.
I need her back.

He rushes down the hallway.

OoC: Thanks for the save, Kaiser.
RE: Stewart Hall Academy~It's what you wanted! SIGN UPS! PM THEM TO MWA!

Lupus and the Absol shifted so that they both were in the group's line of sight, "Chris! It's me, Lupus! I can get you lot out of here..." Lupus said, quietly so as not to attract attention...
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